What Are The Benefits Of Being A Freelance Worker?

Being a freelance worker or, in other words, a self-employed worker, means dedicating one’s professional activity to carrying out work independently, providing services to third parties in exchange for financial remuneration. In this article, we analyze the positive part of this figure.
What are the benefits of being a freelance worker?

To begin with, before focusing on the benefits of being a freelance worker, we consider it convenient to explain the term, as it is essential to understand its benefits. So what does freelance worker mean ? The term freelance translated into Spanish means ‘independent worker’ or self-employed.

The term is used to name the person whose activity lies in carrying out work related to their occupation independently. The works performed are for third parties. In other words, the freelance worker usually earns income from multiple clients, working for objectives and managing their own schedules.

In reference, a study by Forbes magazine indicates that more than 53 million people work as freelancers in the United States, and in Europe the figure reaches 9 million, with Germany, Italy and Spain being leaders of the freelance culture . Therefore, according to the Forbes magazine study, there is a large part of the population that carries out their work activity independently. 

In this sense, after knowing the data of the study, we ask ourselves, what are the benefits of being a freelance worker? What advantages are found in this modality so that a large number of people dedicate themselves to self-employment? We talk about it below.

Woman with a computer

You are your own boss

You are your own boss, you make the decisions that you consider most appropriate about your professional career. Therefore, you freely choose who you work with and how you carry out your work, without being obliged to remain in conditions that you do not like.

On the contrary, an employed person has no choice but to work every day with the same colleagues and under the orders of the boss, whether he likes it or not.

You manage your time

Are you one of those who hate routines? One of the benefits of being a freelance worker is time management, that is, working where and how you want, at the time that best suits your needs. Therefore, you decide the work schedule and the place where you are going to do it (home, office, home, …).

Likewise, being a self-employed person allows you to decide your days off and your vacation period without the need to request them from a company or organization: if you want to go for the weekend, on vacation or go to an important event, you just have to organize yourself with yourself.

Your income depends on you

Your income does not depend on the hours you work or the profits of the company, but depends exclusively on you, how much you want to earn and how you work. On the contrary, the dependent worker, that is to say, employed by others, is obliged to work a certain working day, normally inflexible, with a specific remuneration based on the job.

Ultimately, the amount of the work invoices to be performed is decided by you and the amount will be for you, so the company does not receive the profits in a greater proportion as occurs in employed workers, but you receive the full amount of the work you have done.

Man working at home

Professional growth

Professional growth is part of the benefits of being a freelance worker , since being your own boss you decide how, when, where and with whom to work. You can say no to orders you don’t want or choose the tools you want to work with.

It should be noted that, just as you sign your successes, you also sign your failures, so through your mistakes you will learn enormously which option is the most appropriate for your business. In this option, in some way the worker tends to be more responsible for the value they generate.

To conclude, based on the benefits listed, becoming self-employed seems like a natural way out in an age when work-life balance has become such a difficult task.

Finally, we cannot finish the article without restoring a balance point: in this article we have listed the advantages, but there are also disadvantages, such as that the worker is usually much more unprotected at work or that in many cases the worker only obtains substantial income from a company.

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