The Benefits That Your Laugh Brings

The benefits of your laugh

Neruda said it and he was not wrong. Sincere laughter is a mirror of our interior, so taking life with humor is a way to take care of our spirits and our health.

When we laugh we obtain numerous benefits, radiating around us positive energy and a feeling of well-being. Therefore, why don’t we start lighting up our day with a smile?

Laughter is the language of the soul

It is true that there are many conditions that cause sadness, but it is very beneficial to enhance our moments of laughter.

In fact, we have around us a wide range of possibilities that allow us to really laugh and laugh out loud, without being aware that we are doing it. Our laughter is irrational and exclusively human.

Woman smile and happiness

What happens when we laugh?

Since we are about 5 months or even less, when we laugh we secrete endorphins by order of the brain. These endorphins act with an effect similar to that of morphine, so our vital balance appreciates it.

When this effect occurs, the negative energy gives way to a positive state of mind. And there is nothing better than being able to transmit positivism to another person with our laughter.

Laugh and the world will laugh with you, why?

Laughing brings many benefits and of a very different nature: affective, emotional, physical, psychological … Why should you laugh?

  • Because your laugh can cause someone else to smile : you never know how important it is to someone that you are happy.
  • Because your mood will thank you : laughing helps you overcome depression and daily stress. In addition, it raises our self-esteem and confidence, overcoming shame, fear and suffering.
  • Because our health improves when we really laugh : laughter strengthens our immune system, is beneficial for the lungs, the brain and even helps prevent heart attacks. Thanks to laughter, our muscles relax and blood pressure drops.
  • Because laughter helps burn calories and improve our day to day: yes, if we want to reduce our calories, a good plan to add to our diet is to laugh. Not only will we reduce calories but we will sleep better and our skin will be more toned.
  • Because laughing suppresses negative thoughts and powers our imagination. Spontaneous laughter increases our creativity thanks to the release of tensions.
Laugh and the world will laugh with you

It’s all worth it if it makes you laugh

Over the years we realize that it is more necessary to laugh than to cry or that, at least, if we cry twice, we must laugh three times.

That is why there are therapies such as laughter therapy that help us not forget the importance of laughter, available for people of all ages.

In these sessions we are taught the benefits described above, how to release our desire to laugh more often and face difficult situations through the promotion of laughter.

Laughing involves laughing at ourselves, seeing the glass half full and never half empty, watching movies, reading books with humor, seeing in life an opportunity to live it.

In the long run, the moments that we will most want to remember will be those in which there has been a laugh, because as we grow older we know that it is better to cry with laughter than not to laugh and to laugh better than to cry.

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