Polarized Thinking, A Cognitive Distortion

Polarized thinking acts automatically and leads us to generalize situations, without stopping to examine them. Those who think like this tend to say “Everything goes wrong”, “I always lose out” and expressions like that.
Polarized thinking, a cognitive distortion

Let’s first say that polarized thinking is a cognitive distortion. This means that it is a reasoning error that we make without realizing it. We mistakenly process the information that reality provides us and this leads us to experience some kind of emotional disturbance.

Cognitive distortions were described by Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck. In general, they are defined as wrong beliefs, which lead to dysfunctional moods. This is irrational fears or unfounded sadness, etc. Polarized thinking is one of those cognitive distortion modalities.

What is in polarized thinking is an extreme simplification of reality. Things are black or white, good or bad, etc. You cannot see the nuances that exist between one extreme and the other. Those who have this type of distortion feel comfortable placing reality at one of the extremes. Why happens? How to overcome it? Let’s see.

The characteristics of polarized thinking

The main characteristic of polarized thinking is the tendency to generalize and include different realities under the same category. That is why the favorite words for those who think like this are the most categorical: always, never, everything, nothing, etc. They do it automatically. They have to put any isolated event that comes their way into one of those boxes.

The worrying thing is that these extreme categories are, in general, very negative . They use them to reiterate the existence of something bad. In those who think like this, expressions such as “everything goes wrong” are common, or “they always end up taking advantage of me”. And reasoning like that.

For those who have a polarized thinking, it is as if there were no nuances or midpoints. They build a good part of their identity on those forceful classifications and look for a way to locate everything there. And although reality shows them that they are wrong, they are reluctant to abandon their radicalization.

Woman thinking worried

Why does this cognitive distortion appear?

In general, polarized thinking is a characteristic of those who adopt a position of victimhood before life. Nobody does this just because, on a whim. It is an emotional blockage that is the product of poorly resolved experiences. At the bottom of everything there is the idea that “bad things” have happened to you and that you did not deserve it.

The victim assumes himself as a passive object of circumstances or of “destiny”. And he denies it. He does not believe that he has any control over the negative events he has experienced, or over the handling he has given them. It assumes that you have been a passive depositary of damage and that you cannot do anything about it.

It is then a blockage of emotional development. These types of people continue to see themselves as a child. They have not discovered tools or acquired resources that they can use to overcome many of their difficulties. In return, they project their complaint and adopt polarized thinking as a support for their existential position.

Overcome polarized thinking

This type of thinking is not only a cognitive error, but also involves previous unresolved difficulties. Overcoming it means taking a new perspective on our own history and what we are now, what we can now. Adopting the position of victims of circumstances also implies a gain: it exempts us from responsibilities. And, of course, to get out of there we basically have to accept that we are responsible for what happens to us, but above all, for the way we approach it.

Men with glasses thinking

A good way to start is by noticing these automatisms. Sound an alarm every time we say categorical words like “never”, “always”, “all”, “nothing”, and so on. Then we stop to evaluate how reasonable the statement we are making about it is.

Beyond this, it is important to think about those situations of which we feel victims. Perhaps a relationship that causes us discomfort, or a job that we perceive as excessively demanding.

Is it really the only option we have is to endure and resist? Or perhaps, do we know that there are other ways out, but are we afraid to choose them? Perhaps polarized thinking is an indicator that we are not taking ourselves seriously enough. Perhaps we need a space and a time to think about what happens to us.

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