Living With Anxiety

Living with anxiety

When we speak of normal anxiety, we say that it is an emotional state of agitation, restlessness, alertness and activation as an adaptive response to situations of danger and threat. Many times it happens that it directly disturbs our mood in a negative way and we cannot control it.

These situations can be real or fictitious, the question is knowing how to differentiate between the two to be aware of whether our anxiety is normal or pathological. If it appears due to some situation such as jumping from a plane with a parachute, it is normal, since we register this as something dangerous and that could end in disaster if it does not go as planned.

But, on the other hand, if it results from a decision between going out or not going out because it is raining and our brain imagines a lot of different scenarios and all of them lead to tragedies, we would say that we are facing something abnormal. That anxiety in the face of something everyday is what you have to pay attention to.

How does anxiety manifest itself?

Woman suffering from anxiety

It is always good to evaluate yourself and know how to identify your own feelings and the reason for them. Anxiety has various forms of manifesting itself in the body: 

  • Physical symptoms: agitation, muscle tension, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, etc.
  • Affective symptomatology: it takes place due to a cluster of emotions that generate a lot of discomfort in the behavioral part, such as movements of hands or feet or moving from one side to another with great eagerness.

It is good to keep in mind that normal anxiety occurs only in certain situations and does not appear in us as a continuous state. That is, if there is nothing that promotes such anxiety, we will not feel anxious.

If it manifests itself frequently, one would already be talking about pathological anxiety. It is a state in which we cannot stop being anxious and it constitutes a problem in our daily life, affecting us in every area of ​​it and in our own personal development.

How can we live with anxiety in a better way?

If the anxiety we feel is pathological, it is best to go to a professional to help us overcome the problem. But what is there to do when we suffer from it from time to time? Here are some recommendations.

Woman doing mindfulness

There are many techniques to be able to learn to live with normal anxiety, with that emotional state that can influence some of our days, but that we do not suffer continuously and does not significantly affect the development of our lives.

Some recommendations

On the one hand, it is always good to practice some sport or do physical exercise. Because it helps us to stay focused on what is happening in the moment, it gives us agility and skills that can help us later with situations of weakness and dizziness that anxiety causes.

On the other hand, not sleeping well affects our mood directly, we see moody people who do not know why they are like this, and it is because of the lack of sleep more than anything. In addition, resting from this allows us to be present in the here and now, to better think and analyze everything that happens to us and to make better decisions.

Also, planning and organizing everything we do is always a good idea. Since it prevents us from feeling uncertainty and situations that leave us without an answer.

In addition, it is good to know what activity we find pleasant and relaxing, whether to go to the movies, listen to music, draw, take a walk, do yoga, etc. Identifying what that activity is is ideal because it will help you a lot in those moments of anxiety and will clear your mind.

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