Keys To Ward Off Emotional Garbage

Keys to warding off emotional garbage

People, to be happy, we need an emotional balance. Obviously we all understand that our daily life is not going to be completely free from certain difficulties, certain problems. But when the balance is out of balance, when uncertainty and fear weigh more than tranquility, the problem appears.

One day, without really knowing how, we wake up with the feeling that we can’t take it anymore. That there is a weight that oppresses us and that does not let us breathe. Problems with our partner, work, an issue that we do not know how to face and that puts us to the test … suddenly, life becomes complex and we find ourselves locked in a labyrinth with no way out surrounded by this “emotional garbage”. But … how to get rid of it then?

1. Beware of expectations

We cannot deny it. Sometimes people set very high expectations for ourselves in the short term. We expect a lot from ourselves and even from the people around us. We want to move up at work, meet that goal, that certain people are with us in each project… at all times.

This is usually the mistake that many people make and that, without our realizing it, ends up causing high frustration, and even certain depressions. The ideal? Manage your goals day by day, paying attention to now, what we are, what we have, what today can make us happy.

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2. What if we think positive?

Already. They have told you many times. And even daily you see those images on Facebook that tell you about the need to be positive through smiling faces. But do you really apply it to your life? It may sound like a slogan, but we assure you that nobody makes money by encouraging you to put your negative thoughts aside. To change the chip.

Being positive means dressing with a new attitude, it means making a daily effort and even a cognitive restructuring. Do not see limitations, look at the possibilities. Do not see crisis, intuit opportunities for improvement and personal efforts. Being positive is not just putting a smile on your face, it means internalizing energy and hope.

3. Will to action

Want? You can! It is useless for us to wish for something, to want to initiate an improvement or a change if we do not put part of our will. It should be said in the first place that before will and action, there is recognition. Do you already know what it is that hurts your life? Do you know where that emotional “garbage” comes from, do you know what causes it? So, don’t hesitate … act.

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4. We accept, but do not forget

We accept what happened. We accept loss, mistake, change or responsibility… and then we get over it. Accepting and overcoming what happened is essential and necessary, but beware … those who hope to simply “forget” what happened are in error.

People do not have the same power as computers to send to “the recycling bin” what hurt us or that we no longer want. In other words, emotional garbage is not forgotten, it is overcome. And even more, not forgetting allows us in turn to learn from and acquire vital experience. It is the best faculty of the human being, without a doubt.

5. Get out of your comfort zone

The comfort zone is that area in which we feel safe, where we have some control of everything that surrounds us. But sometimes, in order to improve our lives, we need to step outside of that area, to start new projects with which to emerge stronger.

Do not hesitate, when you start to explore that there is beyond this limit in which you are now … you will enter an indispensable part for the human being known as the “learning zone”.

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