I Wish You Could Look At Yourself Through My Eyes

Wish you could look at yourself through my eyes

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I hope you look at the world through the innocence that childhood gives us. When the magic that usually exists in dreams permeated every moment of our day to day and the naturalness in our behavior guided our lives.

When it did not matter what was politically correct, but that it was sincerity was the only thing we knew. Because we were spontaneous and we had no censorship. Because everything was so simple that with a kiss and an apology even the most complicated problems in the universe could be solved.

And in our drawings all the possibilities of the world were represented, a world where roses could be green and dogs could be pink. Because in our imagination there were no limits, because in our life everything was possible.

As we grow up we lose the magic

As we grow up we lose the magic and we look critically at ourselves. We become our biggest villain, making nothing good enough or telling ourselves that nothing we do we do really well.

We lose in many moments the ability to enjoy the simple things in life. We miss thousands of opportunities to learn from every mistake as we did when we were children. There is no longer any illusion for new things that may appear before our eyes, but we prefer the calm that already established customs bring us.

We usually enjoy the monotony of life without stopping to think about the small details of our day to day. It is more difficult for us to get excited about life since we stop appreciating good intentions, the most real feelings, to value material things.

And when we have a child, instead of learning and rediscovering the world next to him, we are terrified by the idea of ​​making mistakes. We are no longer spontaneous. We pretend perfection as if that were the best gift, when our children prefer that we make mistakes but that we spend time with them.

Boy playing who is a sailor


Children’s eyes really teach us what we are like

What if we really knew how our children see us? What if we could look at each other through their eyes? Would we be surprised? The truth is that the mistakes we often torture ourselves with when we are raising our children are more a product of our fears than a reality.

The truth is that the world our children live in is a completely different place than the one we experience. Remember that children are made of dreams and their eyes believe in magic. Children are sweet and appreciate every moment they spend with you, the rest is unimportant for them. Do not let yourself be dominated by your fears in parenting and share with them the magic of the little things.

It may be difficult for you to try to put yourself in the shoes of your children and know what they are thinking of you. Don’t worry, in the following video we have the opportunity to learn about the fears of some parents and what their children really think of them. The answers will surprise you!

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