I Say Goodbye To You Because I Love You

I say goodbye to you because I love you

The flame of my love remains upright and overflowing before any glimmer of hope, illusion, fantasy and memory. Everything leads me to you, because my body vibrates when imagining you and feeling you so deep within me.

It is because I love you that you awaken all my senses and I rise to you, even if you are gone, even if you no longer understand me, even if we no longer speak the same language or passionately desire the same destiny together.

When I close my eyes, I realize that I want you to be there. You stay constantly in everything that is beautiful to me, anywhere I imagine you with me; sharing the road.

I know that you no longer share that love, and that you can hardly get to feel something for me anymore. But my overflowing heart is determined, without reason and given to madness, not to give up, to persevere in solitude and in the face of your absence.

Silhouette of man looking at the moon

Unforgettable experiences with you

You have certainly made me a different person since you entered my life. I think I have changed fundamental aspects that make me be more in myself, and appreciate everything from other perspectives even more authentic. From my emotions and my feelings.

I am left with the feeling that what we have lived together has been as real as the love that right now I can feel so intensely towards you: without glare, without interest, without arguments and without any type of condition.

I feel when I look at you, when I close my eyes, or when you are in front of me; that I do it from the heart, and that at that moment my reason does not exist, I am pure emotion, pure feeling. And it is one of the most beautiful sensations that I have experienced with you in my life.

Feeling that at that moment I would give my life for you, that I do not care about anything other than feeling in connection with you. It is incredibly beautiful and dangerous, it leaves me totally vulnerable, and the slightest flicker can destroy all my sanity.


I felt that you were the woman of my life

It is true that with you I have felt both joy and sadness with greater intensity, that I have felt disappointed, powerless, enraged, full of anger and above all frustrated.

A frustration continues at the possibility of believing that I could reach you, feeling you again and again close to me, being with me for real. And suddenly, give way to reality and see that it was all part of my illusion.

Of my hope of being able to see you again, and that we would look at each other and everything would go back to how I thought it was the way it had to be. Being together, loving each other forever: an innocent promise, that even I came to believe …

It is true that against my reason, and my experience; In a totally innocent way, I believed that something like this could exist, because I felt that you would really be the woman of my life, and that being such a pure love, nothing that was going to change it. The saddest thing is that I still feel like this …

This time it has not been like that for me, I want to believe that because it did not have to be that way, and that after every important event we go through in life, other experiences await us, perhaps more real and authentic.

Not because they are, but because I will be better prepared to see, experience and live them, in a more conscious and profound way.

Withered roses on book with open leaves

Accepting reality

My farewell is real now, I need it to be so, so that I can accept that you are not the woman of my life, and that it is not with you that I am going to carry out all the plans that I dreamed of.

It is very hard for me to accept this, I have resisted and I continue to do so, since that is not what I feel, nor what my will wants.

However, it is what corresponds, it is the evidence that I do not want to look at in the face. With the courage I must muster, to undertake this hard learning, which gets in the way of my present and does not allow me to continue with my life until I can face it.

I have run out of options, also no longer illusions, I don’t know what is in store for me. I just feel a perpetual discouragement, an anguish that hugs me tightly and takes hold of me.

Although the force that has led me to your soul, I know that now it is what separates me from it. It seems incomprehensible to me. In my ignorance and lack of understanding towards life, it is something that I find unfair and cruel.

And yet, I feel that I must let all the love that I harbor in me flow, in gratitude to that force that united me and today separates me from you.

Since for some reason that I know I will not be able to understand; but if I feel very strongly, as it happens to me now; is that the love that you and I build together will remain impregnated in eternity. And I feel that nothing can change that.

I say goodbye to you because I love you, and because I do not know how to be with you other than by loving us. I don’t expect you to understand it, because I don’t even understand it; But I do hope you know that I do it at this moment, when I most want and need to be with you.


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