How To Rescue Illusion In Routine

How to rescue the illusion in the routine

The illusion. A term with broad nuances that is difficult for us to define, and that nevertheless nourishes us from the inside. It feeds our motivation, our awakening in the morning and that invisible hand that pushes us every day to find the positive reverse of things. Hope for the future where we see ourselves safe and capable.

Why then do we lose the illusion? The reasons are various and undoubtedly very personal. Because not all people are affected by things in the same way. We may feel frustrated about not getting what we had planned: a good job, a stable partner. Or maybe you are tired of receiving disappointment after disappointment from those around you. Perhaps at the moment you are trying to overcome an emotional breakdown, or perhaps you feel dissatisfied with yourself…. the causes are multiple and all, in some way, feed that substrate where disappointment always grows.

It is something that no one can escape. Nobody has that perfect armor that makes us invulnerable creatures in front of it, in the face of the lack of illusion. They are more or less extended moments in time, that we all live at some time, and that we must know how to face. Do you want to know how?


Disappointment does not knock on our window one day without more, to cover us with its mantle of discomfort. Disappointment is sometimes an existential void where we lose ourselves and where we also lose the direction of our life. We do not know where to look, we do not find any motivation when we get out of bed. But everything has an origin. We must therefore find what causes that feeling, identify the reality of the problem and analyze all the causes that have caused it. Once the focus of that disappointment is identified, we will let the emotion rise. You have the right to be angry, to cry or even to spend those moments of needy solitude. Later, we will think of strategies to improve.


Depending on what is the cause of our disappointment, we will try to deal with it in different ways. The first is by changing some of our habits. A simple change in our day-to-day life always brings good results: signing up for a painting course, learning another language, doing sports, going for a walk in the afternoons … those little things that break the daily life that we had until then, a long time ago. our well-being.

The second thing we will do is look for solutions to that existential emptiness, to that discomfort, to that dissatisfaction. Maybe we should make a drastic change. Change job? Rethink our current situation? Sometimes small changes do a lot for us, but sometimes it is not enough. Do you have the courage for big changes? It is complicated, without a doubt.


You may think that it is too late, that your moment has passed and that you must assume your current situation. But keep that in mind, how to live a life where illusion no longer exists? It is a very high price that no one deserves to pay, and that if this belief continues over time, we can very well fall into a depression. It’s worth it? Of course not.

It is never too late for you if it is for your physical and emotional well-being. Within your life it is always possible to establish changes and prioritize things, important things that give you good times and happiness. You just need courage and self-confidence to take on challenges. With a well-strengthened self-esteem you will find that basic fuel to undertake improvements in your life…. Sometimes the illusion comes when you least expect it. 

The illusion sometimes hides in the most insignificant things or in the greatest things. You just need to hold on tight to that hand that wants to help us, or to that project that sometimes comes unexpectedly. There is nothing more important than waking up in the morning with this comforting feeling that pushes us to live our day to day with enthusiasm and optimism. Feed your illusion and never lose it, it is a very precious commodity.

Image courtesy: Caras Inout


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