How To Manage Pending Issues

How to manage unfinished business

In modern times, where sometimes we need a day to have 27 hours, it is very common that the agenda no longer has more space to write down so many tasks and commitments. things in half? What a dilemma!

For starters, you should learn to live without being overwhelmed by so many unfinished business.

Surely, you have read or heard before, that it is not good to procrastinate. “Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today” says the popular saying. However, sometimes it is necessary for our mental and physical health to take time off, close the agenda and open it the next morning, go for a walk in the middle of the workday or take a nap.

Have you ever thought about how many things you write down in your agenda to do in a day, in a week or in a month? Better not do the sum, because your stress levels would increase through the roof. What you do recognize for sure is that there are many, too many, for your taste, for your poor mind and for your body, which is crying out for a break.

When is the right time to “stop”? How can we avoid that life does not pass us by? Is it possible to leave things without feeling guilty?

Unfinished business is just that, things that need to be done


Everything is important, from a meeting with your boss to doing laundry for your children, going to the beauty salon, to preparing a report for your most important client. The list of pending tasks can increase (or rather, not decrease) if we stop being as efficient as the system, society or ourselves demand.

Just thinking about all the things you have to do when the day starts, you already feel exhausted. You must understand that there are only 24 hours a day and as we are not a superhero or superheroine, we will not be able to comply with everything we drag. Although we are the most organized and orderly people in the world.

So, so that pending issues do not overwhelm you, it is necessary that :

-Check what your priorities are : Coming home late every day to work overtime and finish your homework can be good for your pocket, but not for raising your children, for example. It is true that money is what pays the bills and food, but it is also good that children have the father or mother figure more present.

Get up an hour later on the weekend or take advantage of everyone sleeping to clean up? Use your lunch break to finish setting a budget or enjoy some sun in the park? They are all decisions that you must make based on your priorities. Keep in mind that health, family, and wellness should always be positioned over work or money.

-You pay attention to your habits: Although you have been going to bed at any time for a long time because the day is not enough or you have a second agenda because only one is insufficient, you should also have free time to do something you like, such as going to the gym , cooking, visiting your parents, going to church, reading, watching a movie, etc.

-If you have become a “working machine” lately, perhaps you are missing the most beautiful things in life, such as watching your children grow up or being present at certain moments that will not be repeated.

-Decide what can be postponed and what not : A good idea so that pending issues do not overwhelm you so much, is to make a list of all the tasks to be done. Then, determine what, yes or yes, has to be done that day and what can be left for tomorrow (or you can wait until late afternoon).

Another interesting technique is to do what takes the least time first to cross activities off the list. This will have a good visual effect for you. Finally, you can take advantage of your most productive hours for the difficult and leave the less effective for what does not require thinking so much, or putting too much energy.

Unfinished business will not cease to be “by magic”. It is up to you, how you get them on the finished list or cross them off the agenda.

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