How To Increase Self-esteem In 7 Steps

How to increase self-esteem in 7 steps

Self-love is that muscle that we should all exercise perfectly and at all times. Although yes, more than an action, it is a mental and emotional state, the one in which we feel good about ourselves. In this sense, self-love is important to live well. It influences the way we relate to others, the image we project at work, and the way we deal with problems.

Likewise, it must be said that we are facing a fundamental dimension for our well-being. Its sparkle, the energy with which it makes us move and unfold, guarantees, for example, that we better choose the people who make up our lives. It also implies that we can face any challenge, big or small, with better resources.

Self-love is, so to speak, a state of appreciation that arises as we do things for ourselves. As, for example, we invest in our psychological, emotional and spiritual development. It is a dynamic dimension that allows us to mature in strengths, in quality of life …

What is self-love?

Self-love doesn’t just mean feeling good. It is not something that can be achieved by taking care of the image, through inspiring readings or spending quality time with loved ones or enjoying activities that we like alone. As rewarding as these and other things may be, self-love is not this.

It defines above all our ability to appreciate what we do and value what we are. These are dimensions that are often violated as a result of poor parenting, an authoritarian education or marked by indifference …

Hands making a heart

Self-love is a state that does not admit doubts, times of weakness or even less place its spark in other people’s pockets in order to lose our dignity. This psychic tendon requires care and grows through actions that make us mature. When we act, for example in an intelligent way, safeguarding our interests and values, when we begin to accept our weaknesses and strengths much better and we have less need to explain our shortcomings.

We are in turn facing a state that makes us feel compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning. Thanks to this, we are more focused on our purpose and our values, the same ones that we hope to fulfill through our own efforts.

7 steps to increase self-esteem

Let us now reflect on the following dimensions to increase self-esteem.

1. Be mindful and aware

People who have more self-esteem tend to know what they think, feel, and want. They are aware of what they are and put it into practice and do not act according to what others want for them.

Although many of us agree with this approach, we do not always apply it as we should. We neglect ourselves, we let go of what bothers us, sometimes we relegate ourselves to prioritize others, and with all this, self-love is fraying. Let’s avoid the latter, let’s appreciate who we are and what we are worth.

2. Act based on your needs, not your wishes

Loving does not mean fulfilling the wishes of the other, but facilitating what they need. Self-love works on the same principle. If you focus on what you need, you will stay away from automatic behavior patterns that are unhealthy, those that give you problems or that keep you anchored in the past.

Little girl painting a heart on the ground

3. Practice good self-care

One way to increase self-esteem is to take more care of your basic needs. People who love themselves feed themselves daily through healthy activities, including good nutrition, exercise, good sleep, intimacy, and healthy social interactions.

Therefore, do not hesitate to dedicate the time you deserve, do not be afraid to prioritize yourself. Because self-love is not selfishness, it is a health exercise for one’s own physical, mental and emotional balance.

4. Set limits

A person who loves himself has the courage to set limits and to say “no” to everything that affects him physically, emotionally or spiritually. This is undoubtedly one of our pending accounts, that practice that costs us so much but is ultimately so necessary for our well-being.

Practice it without fear or qualms. Limits help us improve the quality of our relationships and ultimately increase self-esteem. 

5. Protect yourself from toxic people

A person who loves himself protects himself from toxic people and does not waste time with those who try to poison his spirit. Believe it or not, around you can make more than one profile of these characteristics. Therefore, learn to handle them effectively, since it is not just about fleeing or putting distance.

Self-love is also knowing how to cope with the most complex situations, knowing how to impose our rights and needs.

6. Forgive yourself

Human beings can be very hard on ourselves. Now,  being responsible for our actions does not imply that we have to punish ourselves for them eternally. People who love themselves learn from their mistakes, accept their humanity, and forgive themselves.

The step we will take in shaping that needed forgiveness translates into one word: freedom.

Hands offering flowers

7. Live with intention

To accept and love yourself more, being aware of what is happening in your life, it is good that you have at least one  purpose. If your intention is to live a meaningful and healthy life, you must make the decisions that support this intention. This will allow you to be good with yourself when you are successful in this goal. You will discover that you can love yourself much more if you see how you achieve what you set out to do. For this it is necessary to establish your life intentions.

One cannot love another more than one loves oneself:  therefore, it is necessary to learn to love oneself in order to offer love a more authentic and meaningful love to those around us. Let’s reflect on it, it’s worth it.

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