How Difficult It Is To Say Hello When You Want To Say I Love You

How difficult is it to say hello when you want to say I love you

According to a study by Robert Grimes in the United Kingdom, if the theory that man never reached the moon was not true, it would have already come to light, simply because of the number of people involved. But when it comes to our heart and saying I love you, things change, there are not so many people involved and there is a deep and intimate feeling for another person that, perhaps out of fear, we do not show.

Maybe a relationship has ended and we continue to love that person, perhaps we will see a person again after a long time and we realize that we feel something or a friend or friend has raised a deeper feeling in us.

They are situations in which we say hello when we really want to scream I love you, hug, kiss, smile, spend time with that person, simply enjoy looking at them, and we do not dare for many reasons.

The inability to show what we feel

Sometimes we can’t say I love you out of fear or because we feel blocked, perhaps our past relationships affect us and build a shell over us. There are more extreme cases in which people are affected by a disorder called alexithymia.

Woman with head resting on knees

Alexithymia is a neurological disorder that prevents those affected from identifying emotions and expressing them verbally. There are different degrees of this disorder. The primary, which occurs because the neurological structures linked to emotions are damaged; and secondary, which occurs as a consequence of a serious emotional trauma or an emotional learning disorder.

People affected by alexithymia  are unable to say “I love you” or “sorry” and feel a deep contempt for themselves, since they are aware of their inability to express their own feelings towards other people and feel useless.

The importance of showing our feelings

Society has come to undervalue the manifestation of feelings and emotions, but we must bear in mind that not expressing them can have negative consequences on people. For this reason, it is important to learn to express what we feel in all areas of our life.

Many people have been educated from a young age not to show their emotions, not to cry in public because it is a symptom of weakness, to be submissive in conflicts with the aim of avoiding problems … That is, they have been taught to close in on themselves .

Woman locked in a cage lying on the ground

But, we must not forget that the feelings retained and not manifested can have several negative effects on our body and on our brain such as tension, anxiety, headaches, ulcers, asthma … A feeling that is not expressed is a bomb that has to explode in some way and if we don’t express it, it will end up affecting our lives.

Five ways to say I love you

“I love you”, “I love you”, “Je t’aime”, “Ich liebe ditch” or “T’estim”. Loving is a universal feeling, we all feel the need to say those words at some time, but there is a language in which there is no semantic way of externalizing it. In Vietnamese it is not possible to say “I love you” and it is not because Vietnamese do not have feelings but because they cannot find the words.

However, there are many ways to say “I love you” because it is not just about saying, but about showing that you love someone, that each act shows that love for another person. That is why we propose five ways to say “I love you” without saying a single word:

1. Conquer every day

No matter how much time has passed, there always has to be a spark between two people, something that reminds the other that we really love him. Make him a coffee and take it to bed, leave a nice note for him to see when he gets up … It is not about big gestures or expensive gifts, but about expressing what we feel.

Breakfast on a tray and in bed

2. Act in a good mood

Don’t get mad unnecessarily, smile and take a deep breath. Take things with humor and convey that humor to your partner. Tease him, joke, laugh. It is not a matter of joking and telling jokes all day, but of seeing things differently, with the prism of good humor.

3. Hug and kiss

How long has it been since you hugged and kissed someone? We all need a hug at some point, but we can also give it. Give hugs and kisses, say I love you with your arms and with your lips.

Couple kissing on the forehead

4. Respect each other’s space

Saying “I love you” to another person can be done by allowing them to have their space, moments to do things for themselves. Loving someone means having things in common but also having individual spaces that must be respected honestly and sincerely.

5. Stay in touch

A “good morning”, a “kiss”, a “how are you today?” They are essential to show interest and show that a person really matters to us. Thousands of messages a day are not necessary, just let the other person know that we are there and that we love them.

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