How Can We Overcome Fear?

Fear can only be overcome by confronting it directly. In this article we give you the keys.
How can we overcome fear?

Fear is an  inherent human emotion. It is there from the moment we are born until the very day we die. Therefore, it seems very important to know how to live with him and accept that he will always accompany us in any decision we make. Therefore, although sometimes this feeling overwhelms us, it is important to learn to overcome fear so that it does not paralyze us.

Feeling fear is not bad. This emotion is usually activated when we are in a dangerous situation. The problem is that it is irrational at times. I mean, it is not a real fear. Being afraid to speak in public or the possibility of a relationship breaking up is the result of insecurities. Although, also, certain beliefs are probably acting that it will be necessary to question.

Ways to overcome fear so that it does not control our life

Scared man

Many of you will think that having this feeling is typical of a cowardly person who does not know how to face his life. Nothing could be further from the truth. And is that fear is also a form of self-protection against any dangerous situation, especially when we put our physical integrity at risk. If you are a person who is regularly afraid, do not worry, it is very normal. What you have to avoid is letting yourself be carried away by fear and losing control.

You just have to know how to live with it and control it when it is really necessary. Given this, surely many of you will ask yourself the following. ¿ How can we overcome fear? And what must be done to control it ? First of all, it must be said that there is no definitive formula to overcome fear. It will not magically disappear overnight, quite the opposite. But we can give you some keys.

  • Do not escape from fear : running away is not a good idea because what you fear will not disappear by itself unless you look at it, reflect on it and discover the best solution to face it.
  • Accept it, do not deny it : if you do not accept that you have a certain fear, you will hardly be able to put an end to it. Well, you need to know how to look at yourself, observe what is happening to you and admit it. Without this step, you will not be able to move forward.
  • Face what makes you fear : how you hear it. It does not matter how afraid you are that anxiety will make an appearance or that you will start to get very nervous. You have to overcome that fear and for that you have to feel it. Once you are in the situation, think about why you have that fear, is something really bad going to happen to you? Are you in real danger?
Man afraid to speak in public

It is important to mention that fear must be faced gradually and not suddenly. Because if you do it abruptly, you can get counterproductive results. Talking to a professional can be very helpful because it will give you the tools you need to do your best.

Trust is the best weapon

Rest assured that it will be a long process that will require some effort on your part. In the first place, the only way to overcome fear is by facing it. That is, when you are in a moment that is not to your liking and you want to run away from it, because you do not want to face it, the best thing you can do is act and not get carried away by your instincts. And to achieve this, think coldly about the situation in which you find yourself and then decide what pros and cons it can contribute to what you are facing.

A clear example of this is job interviews, which can generate fear because our performance depends on obtaining the job. Would it be a good option to hide and stop going to interviews because we are afraid?

Person overcoming fear

In short, once you have overcome fear for the first time, you can be completely sure that the next time it will be much easier, and so on. You just have to trust yourself, and you will see when you overcome it and move on, you will gain self-esteem and confidence.

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