False Beliefs About Loneliness

False beliefs about loneliness

The stereotype views lonely people as social misfits, losers, or bad people. But this does not have to be like this. Loneliness has many causes. In addition, loneliness can also be experienced by people who are surrounded by people. Not everything that surrounds loneliness is negative or implies having other problems. For all this, today we are going to disprove some false beliefs about loneliness.

Many people can feel bad because of all the beliefs about loneliness that exist in our culture. Being single or spending too much time at home can affect your self-esteem. All this, due to the statements that accompany this attitude: “you are going to be left alone”, “you are an outcast”, “nobody loves you so you are alone” …

Loneliness doesn’t mean you’re a social misfit

One of the false beliefs about loneliness is to believe that a lonely person is a social misfit. Lonely people may have other people in their life, but what happens to them is that they lack a true connection with someone because they have not been able to create a strong bond with someone.

These people relate to others, but without being intimate. They can adapt to a social environment without problems. What makes these people feel lonely is that they feel unable to share their joys and fears with someone who cares about them.

Loneliness does not imply not having friends

girl smiling sunflower

Being a lonely person does not mean that you do not want to have friends. Many lonely people deep down want to have friends, although this situation is not always faced, much less this feeling is shared. If we relate this to the above, lonely people wait to have that connection with someone. They give their time, they do not pretend that there is friendship if in reality they are not compatible.

Because being surrounded by friends is not enough to overcome loneliness. On many occasions, people who feel lonely are not understood by the people around them, which implies feeling even more alone.

Something positive about people who know how to be alone is that if they really connect with someone, that bond will be very strong. These types of people wait for this moment to trust, open up and share their joys and fears with those they have connected.

Loneliness is not synonymous with shame

Another of the false beliefs about loneliness is that it means to be shameful. However, lonely people don’t have to be shy or shy. In fact, many people who live their loneliness interact without problems with others and integrate into their environment. There are many people who are very sociable, but who feel very lonely.

Overcoming loneliness in these cases implies creating quality relationships, beyond the superficiality of many day-to-day relationships. The problem they run into is that those people they hope to connect with sometimes don’t come as soon as one would expect. This, added to beliefs about loneliness, causes a feeling of not belonging to a group.

Loneliness is not a permanent state

Loneliness is usually something temporary, derived from a bad experience, a change of city or a personal problem. Overcoming it is a matter of time and decision, and not a disability issue. Loneliness is something you can fight against if you want.

Sometimes we need to be alone for a period of our life. For example, if we come out of emotional dependence, this is necessary. In the same way, if we are going through a duel, perhaps loneliness is even positive to give us time for ourselves.

The problem is when loneliness causes us to withdraw into ourselves and isolate ourselves. Because loneliness doesn’t have to be this. It does not imply isolation.

man sitting sunset

It is important to keep in mind that feeling alone does not imply that what you contribute to the world is not important, or that your life does not mean anything because it is not shared directly with anyone in a more intimate way. You can be happy and find meaning in your life even in solitude.

It is important to look at yourself without worrying too much about being alone. Focusing on that feeling prevents you from moving forward and causes blockages. As we have already said, loneliness does not have to be permanent nor does it imply that we are worse people. Do you like to enjoy your solitude?

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