Differences Between Rage And Anger

What differences between rage and anger do we find? What is each concept? How can we differentiate them? As we will see, anger is the expression of anger, but there is still more.
Differences between rage and anger

What are the differences between rage and anger? We can say that rage and anger are two forms of aggressive emotional response; These are similar concepts but with important differences. These forms of emotional response are triggered by multiple causes, usually by situations or people that generate a feeling of frustration, disgust, pain or a feeling of threat.

As we will see, it is not the same to feel anger than to feel anger, or to express anger than to express anger. Broadly speaking, we could say that anger is the expression of anger, a much deeper and sometimes more damaging emotion.

Rage and anger: what are they?

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines rage as ‘anger, anger, great anger’. In the case of anger, he defines it as a ‘feeling of indignation that causes anger’, or as ‘an appetite or desire for revenge’.

Thus, reading these definitions we can think that they are similar concepts, and in a certain way, they are, but they also entail differences.

Screaming woman

The differences between rage and anger

What differences do we find between these concepts? The first of the differences between rage and anger has to do with its definition.

Thus, while anger is about an emotion, which is born as a result of being upset or irritated by something, we can say that anger is violent and uncontrollable anger, which is often accompanied by violent physical actions. Let’s see more of these differences:


When we speak of anger we refer to a feeling of disgust and belligerence  that is born by a certain evil. Instead, anger is the ultimate manifestation of extreme anger. It is your expression.


Another difference between rage and anger is their nature. Anger, as we have seen, is a “negative” emotion; Instead, rage is an uncontrollable or violent phase of extreme anger.


Anger presents different levels or degrees, and it may or may not be manifested on the outside. Instead, anger is the ultimate manifestation of anger, which springs up within the person. Anger usually manifests itself on the outside, and it is very difficult to suppress.


While anger can last for a long time (as it can be hidden), anger appears when anger gets out of control and turns into a violent act. That is, its expression can be shorter.

Normally, through anger violent or hostile behaviors are manifested.


According to Sijam Ismael, a psychologist and lecturer, another difference between rage and anger is that anger is a stronger, more intense and uncontrollable emotional response.

For his part, Franz Siles, a psychiatrist, affirms that anger is an emotion “of sudden appearance and of short duration. It is the maximum expression of aggressiveness ”.

Bodily manifestation

Anger manifests itself in the body in multiple ways. We can feel anger and feel tension, agitation… and rage. Thus, anger is one of its expressions (but not the only one).

Instead, anger itself manifests itself through the nervous and hormonal systems. Our entire body is mobilized to action, preparing for a possible threat.

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It is not the same to feel anger than anger

Anger is an emotion that comes from deep within, and that appears when some situation disturbs us emotionally, makes us angry, outrages us or damages us. Anger, like any other emotion, is lawful, and very understandable in some cases.

That is why, when we talk about emotions, it is not so much about “positive or negative” emotions, but about emotions that fulfill a certain function. It is normal, for example, to feel anger when we see injustices. What happen? That this uncontrolled anger, that manifested anger is expressed through anger.

How we express anger or anger

When someone feels anger, they can manifest it in multiple ways: through shouting, crying, insults, violent or hostile attitudes … The degree of manifestation or intensity can vary enormously.

But normally, anger comes out, manifests itself, which does not have to happen with anger. Thus, in the case of anger, it can be repressed, which happens that the effects of this repression can be very harmful over time. Anger, for its part, manifests itself in very different ways: with deep sadness, discomfort, suffering, anger … In short; Anger is a human emotion, while the reaction to that emotion (or its expression) is anger. Thus, anger is often the visible face of anger (the latter being much easier to hide).

Learning to manage anger is not easy, because anger is a common feeling and we are not taught to do it. However, with the right help, it is possible!


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