Curious Stereotypes About Book Lovers

Curious stereotypes about book lovers

Big glasses, a mountain of books, hours in the library, walks to the bookstores, birds in the head or thinking about anything other than reality … all of this is usually true of lovers of literature. But beyond being a bad thing, they feel honored by these stereotypes installed in the thinking of society in relation to their hobby.

Although during school many have suffered criticism and jokes, it is very difficult for someone considered a “brainiac” to change their way of being because others do not understand it or prefer to do other activities. It is true that reading is not the best alternative to meet people and make real connections, but yes, it allows improving the imagination, not having spelling mistakes, having more vocabulary, knowing other places, cultures and customs, traveling without the need to get on a plane or have a passport, etc.

In this opportunity, we will focus on the positive characteristics of those who love to read and do not care “what they will say.” What’s more, they are proud and not ashamed of this ranking. If you like reading a lot, you will surely feel identified in more than one of these aspects:

You will never leave your house if you do not bring a book, no matter where you are going, it can be work, a date or even the disco. In your bag there will be “something to read.”

People recognize you because you always carry books under your arm, not because you go to certain places such as theaters, restaurants or cinemas.

Thinking about moving is stressful, you don’t have too much clothes or furniture, but because of the tons of books you keep on the shelves. You will have to spend a week packing and another week unpacking all the copies.

You prefer to buy a book just like yours from a friend or family member as long as you don’t lend them your own (nobody takes care of belongings like oneself, that’s for sure). There is nothing worse than wrinkled, folded sheets, peeling spines, etc. Yes, of course there is something even more horrible: that they never give it back to you.

You are completely obnoxious and stubborn when it comes to your favorite books. No matter what anyone else says, Shakespeare is Shakespeare and it doesn’t matter that he’s long dead.

On vacation you pack the books you plan to enjoy first (and finish them all). What’s more, you may be looking for a quiet destination like a mountain or spending hours on the beach because you can’t stop reading. And in a tourist guide, you look for the address of the National Library before any other attraction.

You try to “evangelize” everyone. On birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day or Pregnancies, you give away books according to the supposed tastes of each person, even if you have never seen him with a book in his life.

If the authors of the books had business cards like soccer players, for example, you would have completed the album a long time ago.

You don’t get tired of knowing and learning about the biographies of each author before or after enjoying their works. You love knowing how they discovered their passion for writing and how they became famous.

You don’t like movie adaptations of books. And never, by any means, will you watch a movie before reading the book.

Your favorite scent is that of the pages of a book, whether you just bought it or found it on a forgotten shelf at your grandmother’s house. You close your eyes, open to a random page, and tuck in your nose to take a deep breath.

You may have the creator of the Kindle Fire in front of you, but you will never change the way you think about e-readers. Although it is true that you have bought one (because you no longer have a physical place to store more physical books).

You can miss the bus, get off at another subway station or not see that your neighbor is greeting you when you have all your senses deposited in that book that you like so much.

In the morning you have dark circles and it is not because you went to party, but that you stayed until 4 in the morning to finish that book that you loved.

And finally, you love to imagine how people are in relation to what they are reading. Someone similar to you on the street will surely attract your attention.

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