Curiosities Of Technology

One of the curiosities of technology is that 45% of the world’s population connects to social networks. Leadership in this field is still held by Facebook, perhaps the only social network that unites the elderly, Millennials and Generation X.
Technology curiosities

There are many curiosities of technology that show how this area has become a space of daily use for almost everyone. The vast majority of societies come into contact with technological devices on a daily basis, if not continuous.

One of the data indicates, for example, that Spain is the country in the world with the most smartphones per inhabitant. 92% of Spaniards have at least one smartphone. Another of the curiosities of technology, in the same sense, indicates that Spaniards spend 5 hours and 41 minutes glued to their mobile phones every day, on average.

By contrast, and surprisingly, the country with the largest population without Internet access  is India. Although there are 400 million Internet users there, the population is greater than 1.3 billion, so not even a third of the inhabitants are connected. Let’s see other curiosities of technology.

Woman looking at mobile phone

Technology curiosities: overcrowding

Another of the curiosities of technology is that today there are more mobile phones  than people. The data indicate that the planet has about 7,700 million inhabitants. In turn, until last year there were 7,950 mobile phone subscriptions. Despite this, only around 3.6 billion people have access to the Internet.

It is estimated that in a single day something like 5.5 billion searches are done on Google. In order to respond to each of these queries, the computer giant must use 1,000 computers, which have to give a response to the user in 0.2 seconds.

The most visited sites around the world, in their order, are the following: Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Baidu, Wikipedia, adult pages, Amazon, Yahoo and Yandex. However, and especially in cyberspace, nothing is what it seems: at least 52% of Internet traffic is originated by bots. These are applications that do repetitive tasks, such as capturing user data, sending spam, etc.

A big market

Obviously, the technological world is a reality closely linked to the market. Many people know that the Internet works from algorithms.

Every time a person navigates, information is collected about what they are looking for, how they are looking for it and where they are looking for it. From this they begin to make commercial offers, based on the content that seems to interest the user. Thus, if someone looks for information on how to paint their house, immediately and for a while, they find content related to paint brands, remodeling services, etc. From this arise another series of curiosities of technology.

81% of users are fans of a brand on social networks. Likewise, one in three users thinks that brands are more reliable if they have a presence on such networks. Meanwhile, 59% of netizens say that before making a purchase online, they consult the opinions of others to make the final decision.

It is estimated that during the last year around 2 billion people made purchases online. Projections indicate that this figure will grow by 31% in the next three years. The region with the most purchases was North America, followed by Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia and the Pacific in last place.

Woman buying online

Other curiosities of technology

There are more and more technological devices that can be adapted to everyday life to provide comfort or well-being to people. For example, smart shoes are already on the market with an integrated device that detects falls and alerts emergency services immediately. Ideal for older adults.

Many think that 2021 will be the year of robots and artificial intelligence. Drones are increasingly crowded and it is expected that in a short time they will be in charge of making home deliveries everywhere. On the other hand, micro-robots are causing a true revolution in medicine. In the medium term, it will be possible to use them to enter blood vessels, biopsy and repair damage with millimeter precision.

Likewise, the design of robots increasingly similar to the human being advances. Surely, before the end of the decade we will see them providing company and care to sick people or those who require it. The greatest curiosity of technology is that the imagination is not enough to predict the advances that will take place in this field.

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