Blind Love Prevents Me From Seeing The Forest

Blind love prevents me from seeing the forest

There is a saying that says that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” But what if the observer is absolutely blinded? You can see a beautiful vase, but for many it could be a real horror. Are you looking from the prism of blind love?

Until now we have always believed that love is something precious that enriches our world. And it may be true. However, it is possible that there are different ways of loving, and when we do it blindly, the consequences are usually not good. It is not something I say, it is the result of a scientific study.

What about blind love?

The tests have been carried out by a team from the University of London. In it they show that blind love exists. Also, according to your data, the results of loving in this way can be very negative.

They also affirm that these situations can occur both in the love professed by parents and in love as a couple. Both seem to have very similar effects on our brains. However, in the case of romanticism, the hypothalamus is activated, which leads to increased arousal.

Woman with hands on face

Precisely in this excitement is the most negative consequence of blind love. Apparently when we are so deeply in love, we are also immensely blinded. This is associated with a series of consequences, which we will talk about below.

The consequences of blind love

The most negative consequences of blind love center on social criticism. Our emotions are so strong that they dull the light that would have to illuminate the rest of things. We are unable to see imperfections in our partner, so what does not do well is re-interpreted, softened or directly suppressed from memory by our mind.

Also, our partner may be hurting us; but since it is a damage against which we are anesthetized, we do not care. When we suffer from blind love, we are so focused on the other person that all kinds of negative emotions related to them are suppressed. You can do whatever you want, because we are unable to maintain the slightest objectivity towards that person: our mind is so fantastic that it finds justifications for everything.

If our son is the high school bully, we justify his behavior as an act of defense; if he gets bad grades, it is the fault of the teacher who does not explain; If he answers us, it is because he has many activities that generate stress. On the other hand, if our partner lies to us, it is because he wanted to protect us; If you don’t want to meet us, it’s because you have a lot of work; if he was unfaithful, it is because as a couple we did not provide him with what he needed. They are others, in blind love they are always others or us, never the person.

In short, when we fall into the clutches of blinded romanticism, we totally turn to the couple, and we largely forget who and what we are. Thus, we could suffer infidelity or other types of humiliations, but the deep love we feel in our brain will prevent us from acting accordingly.

More information about the study

Researchers at the University of London scanned more than 20 brains. All of them were exposed to maternal love, but also as a couple. While the effects and reactions were similar, there was a clear difference. The difference between both types of situations was that love as a couple generates a state of euphoria. It is because the brains released more oxytocin and dopamine, responsible for the mechanisms of pleasure.

With a brain totally attached to pleasure, a person in love to the point of blindness idealizes his partner. Hence a kind of feeling of absolute adoration is born that prevents a minimum degree of objectivity.

Blindfolded girl

Love can be wonderful

In conclusion, we can say that love can be wonderful. However, this study once again shows us a very useful maxim. Everything in its proper measure is precious, but excess or defect does not usually lead to positive consequences.

In any case, it is not certain that our brain is capable of detecting blind love. Thus, if we fall into their networks, it is not easy to get out, since we become impervious to criticism from others and absolutely devoted to our partner. In addition, we do not do it consciously, since we ignore this filter: for us, what we think is real.

Is there a solution to this possible problem? There are no clear ideas. Generally, time gives and takes reasons. Also, if you fall in love with a good person, the logical thing is that he does not hurt you and loves you well. In this case, the fact of not feeling pain and being anesthetized will not cover serious damage; The worrying thing happens when this damage does exist, and blind love anesthetizes us against the suffering that warns us of the damage.

In other words, if we fall into the clutches of blind love, we are in a certain way lost. But nothing in this world is forever. So enjoy every second of your life and let time and your common sense put each one in its place.

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