Appreciative Intelligence: The Ability To Connect With What Is Valuable

Appreciation is a very useful psychological competence. It helps us to recognize worth and strengths in ourselves. Also to connect with the opportunities that surround us and with the light that, although warm, also shines on gray days.
Appreciative intelligence: the ability to connect with what is valuable

Appreciative intelligence defines a competence very similar to what Viktor Frankl taught us in his book Man’s Search for Meaning. It is the ability to identify opportunity in the midst of adversity. It is being able to see the value of oneself and of the human being to activate it and make that light the beacon that guides us in the midst of difficulties, challenges and complexities.

This concept arose in 2006, as a result of the publication of a work entitled Appreciative Intelligence seeing the mighty oak in the acorn, by Professor Tojo Thatchenkery, from the University of Arlinton, United States. The approach, as such, is oriented above all to the world of work, to rise as one more tool with which to promote innovation and a more resilient attitude with which to achieve success or simply professional fulfillment.

In recent years, the so – called “black swans” have not only increased their presence and n each of our contexts. Those elements defined by the philosopher Nassim Taleb as “unforeseen events that threaten our stability” are increasingly common, feed uncertainty and put us to the test.

Everything we take for granted can change from one moment to the next and, as we well know, we are not always prepared for it. The first step in facing any challenge is not looking for strategies at random, or running away from what we think we cannot control. The first step to face problems and even take advantage of them is to attend to our attitude.

She is the one who makes the best of each one germinate. Something like this is achieved precisely through appreciation, through that gaze that delves into the best of our being and is capable of connecting with what is most valuable in each one.

Let’s learn more about it.

Man with positive glasses representing appreciative intelligence

The three components of appreciative intelligence

Appreciative Intelligence is defined as a skill that in theory we all have or are capable of applying at any given time. This type of construct was coined as we have indicated by Professor Tojo Thatchenkery in the early 2000s. He did it after exhaustive research with which to try to understand what those people and those companies that had achieved success in the market had in common. .

The components that build this type of intelligence or psychological competence are, according to this expert in processes of change and development, three:

  • Focus on the present. It is basic and essential to have a well-tuned intuition to probe opportunities, to see in the midst of all the current complexity, what dimensions we should attend, take advantage of and enhance. No matter what has happened in the past, real opportunities are here and now and must be appreciated.
  • Appreciate the positive in each situation. Appreciative intelligence does not thrive on illusionistic or simplistic positivism. In reality, this vision does not dismiss or turn its gaze to difficulties or adversity; he takes them into account, accepts them and understands them. However, he knows that to get the best of oneself it is necessary to recognize what is his best virtue, his best value and make it his secret weapon, his springboard.
  • Visualize the future being realistic (but achieving hopeful goals). If we want to advance, either as people or as a company, it is necessary to specify objectives. Those purposes must be the engine of the day to day, they in which to place all our motivation, commitment and hope so that everything that has to come, helps us to progress.

“Apreativity” as a personal value

Since the concept of appreciative intelligence was coined at the beginning of the new millennium, new theories have not stopped emerging that have been known to take advantage of from the area of business coaching . Thus, books such as Appreciation, the value of appreciating the valuable or Appreciative intervention , seek above all to enable organizations to renew, innovate and position themselves strongly in the market.

In this way, and even beyond the business sphere and organizations, we should all make this interesting theory our own, this dimension so therapeutic as well as interesting. Making use of it as a personal value will be of great help to us. Let’s reflect on its simplest keys.

Man with light bulb symbolizing the power of purpose

How to develop appreciative intelligence

  • Appreciative intelligence is a deliberate act. What it seeks is that we connect emotionally with ourselves and our surroundings to awaken dormant qualities, to strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • It is to put aside indifference or fear to recognize the value of each thing, of each person, of each lived experience and situation that surrounds us.
  • You have to accept the negative, the adverse and even the tragic, but without surrendering to all this. One must choose (appreciate) the opportunities that are presented to him and the positive that life can still give us.
  • Within our daily routine, there are multiple changes that we can make to invest in happiness and well-being. Only the look that attends, understands and appreciates, can achieve it.

To conclude, as Alexander Dumas said, life is so uncertain that one must take advantage of any moment of happiness that comes his way, no matter how small. Knowing how to appreciate those flashes of emotion, potential and opportunity that exist in our reality, can make a difference at any given moment.

So let’s apply this interesting approach and make it our own. The changes can be amazing.

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