A Good Book Opens With Interest And Closes Profitably

A good book opens with interest and closes profitably

What a great truth this phrase contains: a good book opens with interest and closes profitably. Avid readers know it, reading is much more than a pleasure, because with reading we transport ourselves with our thoughts and emotions to the most recondite places of our mind.

Reading makes us happy and free. In fact, as good languages ​​claim, reading great writers makes you better equipped to make creative and reasonable decisions. Because there is no doubt that, as Cortázar said, “a book begins and ends long before and long after its first and last page.”

Open book

Merging with a good book makes us more satisfied with life

Judging from a study by the University of Rome III in which more than 1,100 people were interviewed, it appears that readers are much more satisfied with their lives and feel happier than non-readers.

According to Nuccio Ordine, ” nurturing the spirit can be as important as feeding the body.” Thus, as reflected in various studies that use functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brains of readers before and after reading a book, our brain to feed on the stories we read and the learnings we acquire.

This is not something new, really, but it is curious to observe how the connections between the central sulcus of the brain, the primary sensorimotor region, the primary temporal cortex and other areas related to language multiply.

Sheets of a book forming a heart

What’s more, while we read a good book, we manage to reduce our stress and enhance our emotional intelligence, our self-knowledge, the cultivation of our empathy and psychosocial development.

In addition, thanks to the fact that we can feel identified and learn to think differently, we can even modify our behaviors, understand others more easily and take lessons that can help us solve moral and emotional dilemmas.

A good book is one that leaves a mark

We are not going to say that all books deserve to be read by everyone; However, we can affirm that there are books that enchant, that captivate and that enclose a true intellectual luxury between their covers.

The best self-help books to change your life

Here are some of those “must-see” books. They are only SOME and it is a very personal opinion, so we would love for you to share with us those titles that have marked you.

  • Crime and Punishment , by  Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude , by Gabriel García Márquez
  • Don Quixote de la Mancha , by Miguel de Cervantes
  • Metamorphosis , by Kafka
  • Doctor Zhivago , by Boris Pasternak
  • Anna Karenina , by  Leon Tolstoy.
  • Madame Bovary , by  Gustave Flaubert.
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray , by Oscar Wilde
  • Great Expectations , by  Charles Dickens.
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea , by Jules Verne
  • Juan Salvador Gaviota , by Richard Bach
  • 1984, by George Orwell
  • Brave New World , by  Aldous Huxley
  • Hopscotch , by Julio Cortázar
  • The Neverending Story , by Michael Ende
  • Les miserables , by Victor Hugo
  • The Catcher in the Rye,  by JD Salinger
  • The Name of the Rose , by  Umberto Eco
  • The Little Prince, by Saint-Exùpery

Do you recommend any more?

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