The Power Of Humility

The power of humility

It would be curious to start this article by delving a little into the meaning of the word “humility”. The etymology tells us that humility comes from “humus”, that is, that which emerges from nature and which in turn fertilizes it and makes it grow. Humility would therefore be “the essential.”

What is essential for you in your life? Your family, your job, your hobbies? We all have that something that is truly important to us, our true essence. The rest is just superficial. But you have to know how to recognize it.

Sometimes, people surround ourselves with artificial things, and not only that, but it is possible that even we ourselves have become, unfortunately, “artificial beings”. How to avoid it then? How to return to our essence?

Practice humility

Some say that humility consists in silencing our virtues and allowing others to discover them for themselves. It is true, but the dimension of humility goes much further. Practicing humility and, therefore, being humble, would first of all be a simple invitation to see our limitations and know how to recognize them in order to learn.

Woman smiling in the open field

For example, first we have to assume our ignorance through which to establish these new learnings, these new experiences. If we accept our limits, we will become aware of everything that we have to do or learn. Those who believe that they already know everything will not go any further, pride engulfs humility and causes people to be conceited as well as resentful.

It is true that sometimes it can be difficult to see what is the true essence, the true “humus” of our lives. We are full of obligations, work pressures, projects to fulfill, people to respond to and not disappoint …

Sometimes we immerse ourselves in a small maelstrom of dimensions where it is difficult to see what happiness really brings us. But this is where humility begins: understanding what matters above all other artifices.

Your well-being, your family and you will always be the most important thing. Humility should be practiced every day, and the best way to do it is by asking a few simple questions:  What is it that makes me truly happy? What is it that you don’t want to lose? What could I do to get or keep what I want?

Humility in the little things

Humble people do not boast of their successes. Practicing humility is a daily exercise that moves with the responsibility to do things well, to commit oneself, to do what is necessary and what is necessary, with authenticity.

Lotus flower

Small things are the ones that weave the truly important acts, those simple codes that give us so much: a smile, a word, a gesture of empathy … codes that are not bought, but come out from the depths of our being; aspects that are installed in our memory and that bring us true happiness.

Knowing how to listen, knowing how to understand silences, being receptive, close, complicit and sincere, are characteristics that define humble people. Those that give us so much confidence and where we must look for true friends.

The value of humility does not require material objects, the “intangible” dimensions are almost always those that bring us true well-being, true happiness. And this is where the true quality of life lies… in the simple things. In the “humus” of our essence, there where we manage to get rid of everything that is superficial. How about we put it into practice?

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