10 Skills For A Happy Life

Happiness is the result of effort, a harvest that flourishes when it has been sown. The skills for a happy life are guidelines to work for our well-being, which includes a feeling of satisfaction with ourselves and with life.
10 skills for a happy life

Sometimes we mistakenly think that happiness is a matter of chance. This is not true. In reality, that global well-being that we call happiness is mainly the result of work. We can develop skills for a happy life, no matter how good or bad happens to us.

It is clear that in everyone’s life journey there is a component of chance. In principle, we are not the masters of circumstances and we cannot shape them at will. However, when we develop the skills for a happy life, we find the way to address those circumstances in the most constructive way possible.

Happy life skills are not talents from another world. They have to do with educating our mind so that finding the path to well-being  is a more autonomous task. The determining skills for this are as follows.

Woman reflecting happiness on her face

A happy lifeā€¦

1. Happiness is also planned

We all talk about happiness, but not all of us would know how to define it. Likewise, it is possible that we have a global concept of happiness, but that we cannot achieve it in specific situations.

So the first of the skills for a happy life is to develop our own concept of well-being; not only in general, but also referred to the specific areas or aspects in which we operate.

2. Focus on growth, one of the skills for a happy life

Challenging ourselves brings us closer to happiness. Conformity is a sign that we are invaded by fear or lack of motivation.

Taking on challenges , on the other hand, revitalizes us and adds a touch of flavor to what we do. Wanting to be better and doing what is necessary to achieve it increases our satisfaction with life.

3. Learn to see the best of everything

Out of self-preservation we tend to focus more on the negative than the positive in situations. Therefore, it is not easy to learn to see the best in each person or in each situation.

It is best to let those negative approaches emerge, but immediately count them down with optimistic approaches  and stick with these.

4. Be able to trust yourself

One of the great skills for a happy life is self-confidence . To develop it, nothing better than to become the best friend of ourselves.

Let’s put constant self-criticism aside, forgive ourselves for the mistakes we make or for not immediately achieving what we want. Let’s be self-pitying and try to understand ourselves, not judge ourselves.

5. Balance between the different dimensions of life

Work is an important part of life, but not life itself. It is fine that we dedicate a good part of our time to it, but we cannot allow it to become the axis around which everything else revolves.

We are happiest when we experience not one, but many facets of our being. The partner, friends, family, health and creation must have an irreplaceable place.

Two people hugging

6. Build resilience

This is one of the most important skills for a happy life. It has to do with the ability to recover and grow, after you have had a setback.

Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a lot of effort, but ultimately, it is a capacity that we can all develop with enough will and work.

7. Fight against automatisms

We are all full of mental, emotional and physical automatisms. Sometimes they help us to make life simpler, but at other times they are mechanical actions that only lead to discomfort. It is good to observe us to detect if this is happening.

If so, a good idea is to start by changing the physical automatisms of the behaviors that we want to eradicate, and then continue with the mental and emotional ones.

8. Find a purpose

Most of us know that life is more interesting and enjoyable when we have a purpose to strive for. The problem is that we don’t always find that great existential purpose.

Perhaps the best thing is to let ourselves be carried away by our spontaneous impulses towards small immediate purposes. These will surely lead us to discover those great goals for life.

Woman looking at the horizon

9. Practice kindness

You may have already noticed that the kindest people are also the happiest. On the other hand, those who are filled with bitterness are also the most selfish and, at times, cruel.

Being kind to others gives us a deep and lasting feeling of happiness. The happiness that comes from having a positive impact on the lives of others is priceless.

10. Build healthy relationships

The feeling of happiness is only full when it is shared. Relationships with others are critical to personal well-being. The best way to build them is by valuing each one for what they are and how they are, respecting and being grateful for what they give us.

These 10 happy life skills don’t develop overnight. It takes work, perseverance and decision.

Ultimately, it is likely that we will not achieve that kind of idealized and total happiness, but we will surely achieve a much higher level of well-being and a significant degree of satisfaction with existence.

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