The Law Of Attraction, The Magic Of Attracting What We Need

The law of attraction, the magic of attracting what we need

According to the law of attraction, an energy emitted in a specific way will attract another energy identical to the one projected. In other words, the natural forces of order are based on a magnetism that we generate and project.

In other words, according to this belief, our negative or positive thoughts take the same form in their projection and, as a consequence, influence our environment. In short and simplifying this we can say that our mind and our thoughts have great power that we do not always take advantage of.

However, it should be noted that the functioning of the human mind around this force of the universe has no scientific basis as such ; For this reason, depending on the way in which it is raised, it obeys rather an idea or legend welcomed by society that one may or may not believe.

Thus, although we cannot pose the law of attraction as a scientific concept by which the psyche is governed, we can try to extract here the importance of allowing ourselves what we deserve in order to attract what we need.

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Become aware to attract what we need

Every situation that we live day after day, every act, every thought and every emotion is projected into something bigger that becomes an influence or aura that surrounds our life. If we constantly have negative thoughts, we create unhealthy emotions and act accordingly, which helps to perpetuate an atmosphere of damaging events.

Hence the importance of stopping to think about the type of psychological air that we generate. That is why it is essential that we handle responsibly what we want, what we allow ourselves and what we seek to achieve.

What we feel has its origin inside, not outside

Becoming aware of what we deserve and granting ourselves helps us prioritize ourselves and achieve those things we need. This is not magic. Nor is the universe weaving the law of attraction. It is something stronger, the will of our mind to redirect our life.

Allowing ourselves to rest, fight for our dreams or love as we wish is what helps us and predisposes us to achieve other climbing achievements. Therefore, it is essential that we respect certain principles, taking into account the following:

  • We never stop talking to ourselves. This internal dialogue is what allows us to integrate and make sense of the events that occur around us.
  • Although it can give us the feeling that these thoughts as they come they go away, the truth is that there is a constant interaction between them and how we act, how we feel and how our environment reacts.
  • Emotional and behavioral consequences are activated from those beliefs or thoughts that arise in our internal dialogue.
  • People control, to a large extent, our own destiny by feeling and acting according to our values ​​and beliefs.

A way to achieve what we want

If you want to start owning your own destiny and meet your goals, then we leave you a way to do it.

Step 1: Define

The first thing is to start defining what you really want. And, although it sounds easy, it is not always. This is because we live in a society dominated by propaganda, which bombards us and convinces us that we need certain products or services.

Has it ever happened to you that you wanted something for a long time and, when you finally got it, you did not enjoy that incredible and enormous satisfaction that you thought you were going to feel? This happens because sometimes we believe that the experiences or material things that others have will also bring us happiness, and this is not always the case.

Step 2: plan

A goal without an action plan is just a wish. Now that you know how you want to feel and what people, things and experiences will help you achieve it, the next thing is to define what you have to do to get closer to that final result.

This involves determining the steps to reach that goal. It is very important that you always bear in mind that the path to achieving your ideal life will not be easy, and that unforeseen events may also happen that interfere with your plan. So put exact expectations out of your mind, rephrase when necessary, and find a way to get to the next step.

Step 3: focus

Discipline gives more results than motivation. It is likely that many days will not feel the urge to work on your goals. When you feel this way, take your time, but don’t give up on your plan.

At this point it is important to emphasize that it is valid to change the goal. It is normal that halfway you realize that this is not what you really wanted. If that’s the case, find other dreams to achieve. This is what fills our life with purpose.

So if after this reflection you consider that your life is not as you want it to be, it is likely that you need a change of perspective. All this will lead you to realize that the way you handle your reins is how you will direct your life and, by extension, your relationship with the environment. Then, starting from that base, you can start to improve it. What do you think about the law of attraction?

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