5 Keys To Emotional Empowerment

5 keys to emotional empowerment

The famous aviator Amelia Earhart said that ‘the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’. Do you consider yourself a person with enough capacity to give more? In that case, you will surely be interested in knowing these keys to emotional empowerment.

Remember that we understand the process of self-knowledge as part of emotional empowerment. Through this, you will increase your capacity for influence, that is, the ability to create your true reality by reaching your optimal emotional state.

Keys to emotional empowerment

Feeling in an optimal emotional state means enjoying solid confidence based on healthy self-esteem. If you feel this personal power, you know of your validity, of your real personality and that you do not have to prove anything to anyone.

When a person enjoys optimal emotional empowerment, they know that there is a huge range of possibilities in their hands. You simply establish peer-to-peer relationships, being able to set limits in terms of consideration and respect, starting with yourself.

Happy woman throwing her hair back

If you have personal power and make good use of it, you will guide yourself with discretion. Your intuition when making decisions will have more space to experiment. Thus, you will be less influential and will be able to breathe apart from that collective mind that seems to be so powerful when we feel weak.

In this way, you will act according to your own values. Your emotions will have a presence and your fears will be attenuated. You will be in control of your reactions and your mood. But reaching this point and staying at it is not easy, that is why we provide these keys to you.

Be aware of your power

Let’s start by trying to make an objective evaluation of the margin of action that we have. Thus, for example, it will be easier to understand and manage emotions when they are especially intense.

To reach this point, it is better to put aside thoughts such as: ‘I am like this’, ‘It is the law of life’ or ‘I was born this way’. We all have the power to change and improve if we really want to. This is perhaps our first and foremost power.

Strike a balance

The next logical key to good emotional empowerment derives from the previous one, and it requires finding balance on an emotional level.

Let’s try to identify, and later reject, those attitudes, reactions and thoughts that separate us from the people we love. To do this, we must manage a complex balance that leads us to be flexible in our way of acting. We do not look for weakness, rather wisdom in each step we take, counting on gray scales instead of seeing everything black or white (polarized thinking).

Detect opportunities for improvement

As if it were an emotional SWOT analysis, we have to detect opportunities for improvement to get to know ourselves better as people. Let’s think about what we like and what not, so we will know how to act in situations that make us feel good or be able to intervene on those that do not suit us.

To reach this key, a good idea is to  analyze our reactions to certain situations. It is worth spending some time thinking about our attitudes to know what slows us down and what allows us to move forward.


Now that we have discussed the various opportunities for improvement, now is the time to act. Everything that can be improved to empower ourselves emotionally, we have to put it into motion. Thus, we will achieve the proposed goals to reach our optimal state.

Happy woman

Evaluate and correct

Once we have implemented those improvement opportunities, let’s try to answer a question. Are we doing the right thing? If it is an affirmative answer, then we are on the right track. If not, corrections will have to be made until the appropriate methods are found to achieve the proposed objectives.

We can see that emotional empowerment is not an easy path. These keys can help you, but it is you who has to put them into practice. To do this, you have to offer the best of yourself, so you will be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that arise to evaluate and walk slowly, but without pause, in the search for your optimal self.

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