Learn To Rediscover Yourself And Heal Your Inner Child

Learn to rediscover yourself and heal your inner child


Growing up, becoming adults, is not just accumulating years, seeing a wrinkle on our face or achieving things. To grow is to know how to mature over time, preserving all the good of each lived stage, of each cycle of our existence.

However, it is not always easy to mature with harmony and happiness. There are times when our adult selves feel frustrated, full of unresolved conflicts that trap us and drown us, that make us taciturn creatures who have lost that daily illusion for things, for those around them and, what is worse, for themselves.

When it comes to talking about our “inner child” it is possible that many people smile at each other, that they do not understand its meaning. Sometimes childhood is associated with that period of “blind innocence” where one does not yet understand very well what that called world is like, or that entity called life. For this reason, children are allowed a certain touch of madness, of spontaneity, because they simply “don’t know yet.”

However, they may know much more than we do, that they have values ​​that we have already lost. It is also said that we all continue to have our inner child very hidden, but even so, it is still he who actually allows us a certain balance between the rational part and that other more free, pure and hopeful, which continues to demand love.

The voice of our inner child

Believe it or not, our inner child has not left to make way for the serious adult that you are now. He still resides in you, although most of the time he remains hidden and repressed because we cannot allow ourselves to give way out to what he was, to what he represents.


-He asks you not to give so much importance to things, that you relativize problems, that you remove that shell of sadness and that you draw a happy face capable of going for a free walk.

-Your inner child asks you to love it, to take care of it. Demand love and that in turn, you be able to offer love. You want to be cuddled, pampered, cared for, and become the focal point of your life. You sound familiar? It is self-esteem.

-Sometimes, it also demands that you not be so demanding with yourself, it asks you to relax and look at the simple things that are around you, that you value the basics, the joys, it asks you to play and experiment. It cries out to you above all, that you do not lose the illusion for life and for yourself. He wants you to be spontaneous, and to “dare.”

However, there is also a vital aspect that we cannot ignore. It is possible that your childhood was not exactly happy, that you have too many wounds, emptiness and regrets inside you, and that in reality, you will never truly become a child.

Circumstances may force you to grow violently without “enjoying” those dimensions that nurture every creature: love, recognition, the emotional bond of affection, support …

All of this makes us grow up with insecurities, mistrust and those fears transmitted to us by that child that we could never be, that injured figure that is still housed within us. What can we do in these cases? We explain it to you below.

inner child (1)

Rediscover and heal our inner child

It is often said that he who lives from creation, from art, who knows how to live with the minimum and understands the value of giving smiles for no reason, has never broken the union with his inner child.

It is possible that they are sometimes labeled as crazy, for their spontaneity, for their eccentricity at times, however, and believe it or not, keeping that umbilical cord still attached to that healthy and happy inner child, can undoubtedly be an enriching experience. capable of healing many emotional wounds. To strengthen our self-esteem.

1. Visualize yourself as a child, take a picture if you need it. It is a simple exercise with which we seek to make you reflect, an act of introspection towards your essence of yesterday where that child that you were still hides.

2. Think about that image, it brings any moment to your memory from when I was 7 or 8 years old. What do you see? Is it a carefree creature, somewhat noisy and without mincing words? Ask yourself if you are still the same question. Do you see a child who enjoys hugging his parents? Contain that love.

Perhaps you see a sorrow from the past, that painful wound? Then accept it and forgive, you will feel more free. You must bring calm to that memory, a balance where there is no resentment and that allows you to live in peace.

3. Continue in your personal visualization and now establish a dialogue with that child. With that childish you. You must establish a strong bond with him, ask him what he needs now to be happy again, listen to his words, his prayers.

You must convince him that you are going to take better care of him from now on, that you are going to love him more, that you are going to take care of him, that together you are going to move forward with new illusions, relativizing problems, laughing, being more pure and not repressing those basic needs.

Take him tightly by the hand and don’t lose him again.

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