Feeling Distance Is More Than Being Far

Feeling distance is more than just being far

Sometimes distance is not measured in kilometers, sometimes distance is not a matter of physical distance but of souls. I can be close and feel you far away, I can be touching you and still feel that you are not by my side. Distance is an enemy in any relationship, it creates bridges that are increasingly difficult to cross and, above all, it takes away the desire to want to cross them. The bridges are built by each of us, so we will have the same responsibility when making them as when removing them.

It is not a matter of seeing each other every day, it is not a matter of needing permanent contact with the other to be close, but of connection and complicity to create the magic of not needing to be close to feel united. The feeling that is a consequence of this but at the same time can be a cause is missing. But do we really miss the person?

To miss memories is to feel that we miss a part of the path we traveled. A portion that is now part of us in our mind, but to miss people is to want to stay and not finish that journey. Thus, when a person is missed, they struggle to stay together.

Distance relationships

Relationships miles apart make it difficult to exchange, regardless of whether they are love, friendship or family. For this reason, we will have to make an “extra” effort to shorten the path and bring souls closer together. The desire and passion that occur after a while without seeing each other can be a plus, making the most of every second in which you are together will help to create more bonds and strengthen bonds.

Couple hugging

Staying away and having only the opportunity to talk, without physical contact, is a challenge for communication and intimacy within relationships, as shown by the study carried out by researcher Crystal Jiang from the University of Hong Kong and Professor Jeffrey Hancock from Cornell University (USA). Thus, working on relationships at a distance is a task for each one (which does not mean that each one has to do this work separately), it will be necessary to make an effort to make that even if time passes, getting back together is like every day it has remained there, perhaps not physically but mentally.

Take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to us

It is becoming more and more common to meet couples who live separately, families who have had to distance themselves or friends who no longer live in the same city. Letting distance exert its forces and giving up and losing contact is not one of the options we have to bear in mind.

We will have to improve communication, taking advantage of all the opportunities we have to shorten kilometers, video calls, immediate contact by messages, etc. Technology advances by leaps and bounds, it can become a great ally to feel close even when we are far away.

Confidence in the other will give us the opportunity to remain serene in the face of adversity, and it will constitute a great support point to know how to wait and value what we have. The desire to hug another after a while, to idealize and wish to remain with the distant person, the beauty of missing when one is away, are things that we sometimes lose in our day to day and for which distance it can open consciousness.

couple holding hands separating

Let’s take advantage of time and closeness and work to bring souls closer every day when distance is the protagonist in our feelings. In addition, let’s try to put an expiration date at this distance because you always, always live better with a concrete hope.

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