We Have Come To Be Danced

The art of dancing with life is the ability to know how to move from day to day with enthusiasm, balance and wisdom. Although we do not always get our steps right, experience teaches us the steps. Find out what they are!
We have come to be danced

We are here to be danced; danced by life, destiny, luck and that magic of the unexpected where, as skilled dancers, we adjust the steps so as not to miss a beat. It is not easy to keep your balance and the beat. Throughout our life cycle music changes frequently, sometimes it is more cheerful, other times slower and even melancholic, but the most important thing without a doubt is not to give up. Never stop dancing.

Shah Asad Rizvi, a famous 16th century Sufi poet, pointed out that it was through the synergy of intellect, art and grace that the first dancer in our history emerged. In a way, the art of dance is also the art of life. It certainly requires a subtle combination of logic, intuition and emotion. It is making use of all our resources to stay not only on our feet, but also being able to slide with enthusiasm to overcome each obstacle.

We all have a dancer inside us. It does not matter our age, the circumstances that we already carry on our back or the trains that we have missed. Because dancing only requires three things: balance, enthusiasm and allowing ourselves to flow. Let us therefore delve into these aspects of personal development with which we will undoubtedly obtain an interesting reflection.

We have come to be danced: listen to your inner rhythm

Eckhart Tolle points out in his book Practicing the power of now , that life is a dance and we are dancers. However, there is one aspect on which we will all agree. Nobody comes to this world knowing all the steps, those that allow us to advance gracefully and successfully in the ballroom of our existence.

Most of us begin that dance of life with insecurity, fear and uncertainty. Sometimes we fall, we hurt ourselves, and we tell ourselves that we will never make it. However, sooner or later our stubbornness surfaces and we get up with greater courage and courage; we want to try again and we feel determined. Our brain is a very skilled organ in the art of survival and endurance, and it rarely gives up when it wants something.

To be danced by life it is necessary to find that inner rhythm where our needs are contained. Once identified, it only remains to apply the following dimensions. Those that will allow us to shape a more satisfying and powerful existence. Let us therefore reflect on these three areas.

couple representing the art of being danced for life

The equilibrium

Balance is synonymous with well-being. Now, reaching it is not an easy task, it is an exercise to work on daily as if we were a skilled tightrope walker walking a tightrope. You have to control your fears, you have to control anxiety and all those emotions that often lead us to the void of unhappiness.

Balance is synonymous with self-control, the same that we must apply to be danced through life, where we are aware of each movement, each turn, each turn and each jump. Because any wrong step or impulsive act can produce an uncomfortable mismatch.

However, nothing happens if at any given moment we collapse and that balance is lost for an instant. We all have the right to make mistakes and even to fall. After all, falls allow us to learn to adjust our progress much better. 

The enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is passion, it is motivation and positivity. Few emotions give us so much internal drive to achieve things, to trust ourselves and move safely in that great dance hall that is life. In turn, this emotion is a great transmitter, it is the music in our communication and in our behavior.

Through it we generate positivity and spread it to others so that in some way, they are also our dance partners for a moment in the journey of life.

To be danced we must allow ourselves to flow

Since Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced the term fluir (flow) in the 90s, its impact remains very much in force. This concept basically represents knowing how to reach those states of optimal experience where we feel good about what we do. For this professor of psychology at the University of Claremont, happiness is experienced by doing some task.

They are experiences where you can achieve creative joy, active concentration and that relaxed absorption in what you are doing. Flow is feeling, realizing, being attentive and in turn connected to one’s own being. Let’s think about it, to be danced through life and advance fully as the best dancer, it is enough to find what identifies us and makes us feel fulfilled.

Woman dancing representing the art of being danced for life

As Viktor Frankl would say, life has meaning when we give it a purpose and dedicate ourselves to that personal goal. It’s not that difficult, let’s open our minds and hearts and dare to launch ourselves onto that dance floor so full of possibilities.

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