The Way You Wake Up Marks Your Day. 5 Tips

The way you wake up marks your day.  5 tips

Have you ever analyzed how you get out of bed each morning? Almost no one gives importance to that moment, but the truth is that it can be one of the most crucial of the day. Thus, the way in which you start the day will have a significant impact on its passing, or so the studies say.

There are many people who, if we asked them when they got up, would exchange a good sum of money for five more minutes between the sheets. Within this group, there is another subgroup of people who stretch their rest time as much as they can, so that they are condemned to start the day running. For many, getting out of bed is an unpleasant moment, the first hurdle they face on a normal day.

Whatever the case, the truth is that science has discovered that the first actions of the day mark the way in which we will behave throughout the day. Therefore, here we give you 5 tips so that from the moment you get up you adopt a positive attitude and can get the best out of your daily task.

Obey the alarm clock

Many use alarm clocks that repeat the alarm every 5 minutes, anticipating that they will not wake up with the first one. If you have one of those, I encourage you to eliminate that possibility. A study by the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) confirmed that snoozing over and over again leads to ” memory loss, reduced ability to react, and decreased performance during the day.

you wake up in the morning

If you get up only after all the alarm clocks that you had programmed have gone off, I invite you to use this technique that has given very positive results when it comes to eliminating this habit. Before sleeping, go to bed and set the alarm to go off 5 minutes later. As soon as it rings, get up. Repeat the same operation about 10 times. You will see that your brain is programmed to do the same the next morning.

If you get up, be thankful and motivate

If you get up immediately, thinking only about what time it is or what you have to do during the day, you are probably going to start your day in a low mood. Don’t give in to stress and worry from the first moment in the morning.

It’s not that difficult, just take 1 minute to say thank you for a new day. Think that you are a valuable person, who strives to keep going, and that you deserve a good day. You can even design your own ritual, a kind of prayer or prayer that you learn by heart and recite when you wake up. You will see how that minute gives you an excellent disposition for the day that begins.

Breathe and stretch

After your minute of gratitude and self-motivation, what follows is to sit up in bed and stretch. As much as you can. Fully extend your arms, while flexing and straightening your legs. This simple movement will signal to your muscles that it is time to get ready for a time of activity, but without tension.

breathe when you wake up in the morning

If you get up when the alarm clock rings, give thanks and stretch, your body and your mind will be in a position to start the day. Also,  if you want to enhance and strengthen that good attitude, nothing better than taking another minute to breathe. In breathing are several of the keys to maintaining good physical and mental health. Breathe in and breathe out deeply so your brain is oxygenated, as well as your muscles. You will feel great.

Don’t drink coffee, drink water

The Orientals assure that whoever drinks a glass of water daily, on an empty stomach, avoids multiple diseases and prolongs life. Having a glass of water wakes you up and activates your digestion in a gentle and beneficial way. It also helps you eliminate toxins and finishes waking you up.

It is very usual that when you get up, to fill yourself with energy, you have a coffee. However, there are suspicions that very early coffee can inhibit the natural production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which is necessary to get through the day. It is advisable to have the first cup of coffee around 9:30 or 10 in the morning.

Forget checking email or cell phone

First of all, it is not a good habit to sleep with your mobile phone next to your bed, unless it is completely turned off. There are reasons to believe that these devices have a negative impact on sleep at night. Also, if you use it as an alarm and keep it away, you will have to get out of bed to turn it off.

Who gets up early, does God help?

According to some experts, those who engage in the practice of checking email as soon as they start the day buy ballots to start the day with unnecessary stress. Nothing is so important that it can’t wait until you shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast. That first moment of the day is for you and only for you. Don’t waste it stressing yourself ahead of time.

The most recommended thing when you get up is precisely this self-care routine. If you notice, it won’t take you more than five minutes and instead it will be reflected in a better attitude and a better mood throughout the day. It is also a practice that increases your self-esteem and that in the long run will raise your quality of life.

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