Do Endings Really Exist Or Are We Just Patching Wounds?

Are there really endings or are we just patching up the wounds?

We can never be completely convinced that something is over for good . That this end point cannot be followed at another time by two more, making it eternal , lengthening its presence or opening a parenthesis.

And it is that practically nothing disappears without establishing the basis of what will come next, precipitating it, linking bridges, giving connection, evolving into something better .

Everything marks us and transforms us . Few things pass through our lives without leaving a trace and practically none leaves without vomiting the sediments that build the next steps.

They turn out to be interrupted beginnings, failed opportunities, vital detours that regenerate throughout our life and end up being much more than the sum of their appearance in it.

Obviously this does not mean that we cannot turn the page, end with something that we propose or simply get away from what does not allow us to move forward, but all experiences will be part of us, both good and bad.

And they will continue to be there in each new adventure, in each new decision, as an impetus for the next goal, shaking hands with the immediate future, giving birth to our best version.

Even if we continue without seeing that person, without going through that place, even if we block memories or change cities, all this will continue to be part of our life, whether it is giving us strength, creating a shell, giving us guts or changing our way of facing life. . It will still be there, latent. Waiting for their moment to stir us inside.

And it is that everything that is not settled definitively in life ends up coming to the surface. It ends up floating and dragging us back into those eddies from which we had so hard to get out.

Because there is nothing more powerful than a touch of memories to reactivate the talks we had outstanding, the hugs we gave, the words died before birth, regrets and errores.Y often kept walking , leaving behind what it hurts, but without closing the door on their cause. Thus it is inevitable that it re-enters our life and that it makes us regress, that it stalls our pretensions.

 How to assume that something has ended if it will continue to condition our life?

How to move forward if the wounds do not heal?


Accepting your site. Giving him the role that he has had in our lives and assuming the one that he has come to have.

On many occasions they are happy things, people or moments, so it is clear what they have contributed to our days even in the past. With that we should stick.

That it has been ephemeral does not diminish the importance of the quality of the stage that they have made us live. And, although it hurts that they are gone, somehow we would not be who we are today without the smiles that they caused us at the time.

We savor the life of his hand, we learned to love, to fill ourselves, to fill in the gaps. We learned to get hooked on surprises and uncertainty. We get to show teeth and embrace forever.

In the case of the negative, it costs more to relocate it in our lives. Although it is easier to put an end to it than in the case of some beautiful event, it is difficult to walk after its presence. We will no longer be the same after something traumatic and although the event itself is over, we have to continue digesting its ravages.

But this does not mean that the taste in your mouth should be negative. The lessons that these emotional earthquakes and transitions leave us should be what we keep in the selective memory of our day to day.

In this way we will learn to take advantage of the stumbling blocks that have taught us to fall and suffer, but fundamentally to persist, endure and resist. To keep our smile elastic and to be flexible with our abilities. 

Only in this way will we understand its role in our life. And only then can we understand ourselves.

Because in the end we are only what we have lived. And what we dream of living .

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