“Letting Go Of Control”, The Short That Teaches Us To Embrace Life

"Letting go of control", the short that teaches us to embrace life

We create manuals for almost anything and we think that we can plan absolutely everything, affecting our ability to create, think and feel. The short release of control teaches us that it is essential to stop interfering with the natural if we want to evolve and grow. 

. We live with the intention of handling every detail, of pretending that things work out the way we think and trying to restrict our approaches. But the truth is that if we want our projects to develop,

A short to reflect on our way of seeing life

This short about letting go of control tells the story of Dechen, a Tibetan Buddhist monk in training who has a great passion for gardening. In the video you can see how he plants a flower, observes it and takes care of it with great care and dedication.

As we have seen in the short release control ,  the plant is losing strength despite the care. The moment the exquisite flower is brought into the temple, the flower begins to crumble causing great misunderstanding and grief in our protagonist.

Dechen cannot accept the situation, so the main monk, Angmo, is forced to step in and rescue his ward from himself. Fortunately Dechen manages to understand that by eliminating the need for power and control, his flower begins to rise.

Girl with eyes covered by some leaves

Embracing life, a pending issue

To embrace life we ​​must get rid of the chains that imprison coincidences, because if we try to keep everything under control we subtract options from serendipity, flexibility and innovation.

We have said many times that sometimes things come when we least expect them and that, although everything requires work and effort, we must allow ourselves the possibility of that happening. We cannot manage control and we end up committing excesses due to fear of uncertainty.

Woman releasing birds from a cage

In itself, it is about relaxing the limits that we impose on ourselves and making our thinking more flexible. We must have a series of clear messages:

  • It is not that a relationship is as we idealize it, because each person is a world and therefore each relationship will be UNIQUE.
  • It is likely that for our children we want the best and that is why we try to guide them along the path that we consider most appropriate. However, the best and most positive thing for a child is to be led along the path that allows them to have a clear message: YOU MUST BE YOURSELF.
  • The same goes for projects, when we only see one path we end up drowning endless opportunities that hover around us.

For example: do we want our partner for who they are or how we have shaped them? Are we letting our children decide and build their autonomy or are we really overdoing ourselves by guiding them where we want them? How many ways to travel the path are there? and what are we doing?

By this we mean that sometimes in our desire to do things well, we end up damaging the nature of events. Because at the end of the day to be successful and be a little genius we must approach “madness” and put aside “good sense” ; so we can see with different eyes what others see, because in each story there are as many nuances as there are people and circumstances in it.

Butterfly in mouth

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