4 Experiences You Need To Start Doing For Yourself

4 experiences you need to start doing for yourself

There are many positive experiences that you can allow yourself throughout your existence and, at the same time, the ability you have to carry them out, betting on your personal growth, is fascinating. In short, emotions and feelings that you can generate simply and that enhance your being to learn to live beautifully.

Within this section, when taking responsibility for ourselves to evolve “to positive”, it is important to remember the importance of personal needs. If you do not value yourself, take care of yourself and support yourself, you are not respecting yourself and you are sabotaging your vital essence.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember that we can take care of our own needs and at the same time take care of those around us. In this way you will have more capacity to encourage yourself and do it with those who love you, being free to experience the 4 experiences that we all deserve to feel and carry out for ourselves to learn to “be ” very well. The ones that we will share with you today.

Live in the present by spending  time with the right people

The here and now constitutes the magic of the present to allow us to feel alive. We refer to feeling the moment with the heart and sincerity, ceasing to give so much connotation to the need to constantly plan the future and wait for it.

friends who take care of you

Now is the only guaranteed moment for you that you truly deserve to experience for yourself. We refer to what happens in the moment and we constantly let it pass, without being aware of it. To do this, live and enjoy the present with those people who make you feel, if possible, even more alive and more authentic.

Together with the environment that accompanies you every day, supporting you and being part of who you want to be, without asking you anything in return. Get the basic tools to understand, but do not get carried away by those who only generate emotional discomfort, toxic personalities.

Value the positive learning that your mistakes teach you and prioritize your own happiness

You yourself are the owner of your own existence. Taking care of you and supporting you is the subject that, in the middle of the era of habitual emotional states such as anxiety and stress, we have to pay attention. Letting ourselves go and not attending to our own needs lead us not to value ourselves, not to love ourselves and consequently to manifest these states.

It is therefore normal to find ourselves at some point in them and to overcome them successfully have the basic tools at hand that allow us to understand each other. Pretending to be perfect and not making mistakes also generates anxious situations that only block us and prevent us from being ourselves.

We overlook that mistakes are a gift, as they are the stepping stones of progress. Making a mistake at some point indicates that we are on the road, trying hard and trying without throwing in the towel. Make up your mind to take risks, dare to get out of your comfort zone and if you fall, don’t stop getting up and trying. One of those mistakes may be the path to your greatest achievement.

Be honest with yourself by facing  your problems with humility

When we speak of honesty we refer to that capacity that allows us to realize what is correct, what is not and what you want or need to change. Be honest with what you want, with whom you pretend to be and with whom you were in the past, drawing from it the learning that allows you to evolve positively.

Woman among white flowers

Lying to yourself only leads you to disrespect and not be consistent. You already know that the person who will always be by your side is you, grant it. In addition, if you allow yourself to be congruent with yourself, you will be able to know yourself better and you will prevent your problems from defining you.

We often complain every day that things are not going as well as we would like, overlooking the great detail that problems will not go away unless we take action. If you allow us some great advice  “do what you can, when you can, and acknowledge what you have doneTake small steps in the direction that you think is correct, even if it involves a small setback to gain momentum.

Start being yourself and much kinder to yourself

How you treat and love yourself sets the standard for others around you. Love for yourself allowing yourself to be who you truly are in essence has to start with you, not expect anyone else to do it.

Pretending to be how others want you to be or trying to satisfy all of their needs only leads to losing who you are. Do not get away from your essence and embrace yourself, be honest with yourself and always put your heart in what you undertake.

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