Marriage Agencies: A Tailor-made Couple?

Marriage agencies: a tailor-made couple?

We have all heard terrifying or extraordinary stories about the famous dating agencies, a type of company that was born to help people seal a love commitment. There are those who speak wonders of their methods and say that so and so who was in Asia, married so and so, who was in Oceania, all thanks to one of these agencies. They now have a stable and completely happy marriage.

Others tell sordid stories. A girl believed she had found her soulmate through a marriage agency and ended up marrying a psychopath who did not want to find a partner, but rather to enslave women. Or a very rich man fell in love with a girl referred by the agency, but in the end he ended up robbed and scammed. Not to mention the cases that more or less cover up human trafficking.

Currently, marriage agencies have become very specialized. They even have psychologists who do an initial filter and who even study compatibility before the first blind date. In any case, two things stand out. One, that in today’s world a specialized mediator is needed to build couples. And two, that these types of companies lack regulation in many countries and in others it is very permissive.

Matchmaking agencies: an answer to loneliness?

Loneliness is not a problem to be solved, nor is it a disease to be cured. It is simply an ineluctable reality of life, like death. We bring it with us from the moment of birth and it will never leave us. At most, we will be able to share our loneliness with other people, in stages that are always limited. We travel part of the way in the company of someone, but in essence we are always alone.

lonely man

At the same time, we are never alone. Everything we are and do has to do with other human beings. We are not born by spontaneous generation, but as a product of the union of two beings. We can only grow if there are others who provide us with everything that we are not able to achieve for ourselves during early childhood: food, shelter, security.

Some claim that loneliness, as a concept that alludes to emotional pain, is a modern invention. Just a couple of centuries ago, basically no one was alone. Family, neighborhood and friendship networks were strong and there was essentially a sense of responsibility towards each other.

Likewise, there was no idea that “being alone” was not having a partner, because the answer to loneliness was multiple. That’s what relatives, friends, the same authorities were for … If someone was alone, it was because they wanted to. And, in any case, if he did not live as a couple, he was not necessarily considered a loner.

Today, however, there are not only emotionally lonely people, but also isolated. That is why they cannot find a partner in their immediate environment and must turn to a contemporary invention: marriage agencies.

Matching agencies and contact pages

The caveat must be made that marriage agencies and contact web pages are not the same. In the former there are some managers who identify and manage the contacts individually and face to face with the users. In the latter, there is a kind of Persian market in which everyone goes on their own. The responsibility of the web is limited to facilitating contact.


Matching agencies generally charge a fairly high price for their services. Likewise, they pose a series of demands to their users, which may be age, social status or approval of psychotechnical tests. Dating websites don’t do any of that. In most, it is enough to register and there is no selectivity of any kind.

The usual thing is that those interested have many virtual meetings before taking the step to the real meeting. This makes, certainly, the bond is somewhat worn or, in any case, mediated by previous experiences, when those involved know each other personally.

What can be concluded is that surely you get fewer surprises if you go to a marriage agency, instead of entering a contact page. It can also be made clear that if we look around us more, if we participate more in the activities that take place in our immediate surroundings or visit our family and friends more, surely your business would end.

couple in the process of idealizing

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