Keys To Face Sad Days

We all experience sad days. On this fact we have no choice. Now, where we can intervene is in what is done with that sadness and transform suffering into learning.
Keys to face the sad days

In recent times, positivism has flooded our lives and daily conversations. We constantly receive motivational messages that urge us to seek the kinder side of every situation. From advertising to expert recommendations or the advice of a friend, from every point we are invited to seek and enhance our positive emotions. However, it is not realistic or healthy to pretend to be in perpetual happiness, since the entire emotional spectrum exists for a reason.

Sadness is an emotion that can be unpleasant, but it is inevitable and it does serve a function. Despite this, some people are so resistant to experiencing sadness that they end up amplifying their suffering. There are those who get angry with themselves for being sad, there are those who blame themselves for it. We have forgotten that we have the right to feel, that all our emotions are valid, and it is precisely this that prevents us from managing them properly.

Let the sadness be

Therefore, the first guideline to follow to face sad days is to accept them, allow them to be. Resisting the emotions that arise only turns natural pain into self-inflicted suffering.

So, don’t desperately try to change your mood, allow yourself to feel the sadness. It does not matter if apparently everything in your life is fine, it is irrelevant if others think that you have no good reason to feel sad. Feel without guilt, it is your right.

Sad woman with sponge person syndrome

Get going

Allowing ourselves to feel an emotion does not imply basking in it or stopping our life. Feeling is just as important as not over-identifying with what you feel. It is important to become external observers of our emotions and not give them control.

You are not responsible for what you feel, but you are responsible for what you do. Therefore, to face sad days, try to take action even if you don’t really want to get out of bed.

Take care of your body and your mind

When a child is sad, his parents take care of him, take care of him and comfort him. And we adults do the same when a partner, a friend or any loved one is in low spirits. In the same way, we have to be there for us, ready to take care of ourselves and serve us at all levels.

So, when you are sad, start by taking care of your body. Take a shower, hydrate yourself, take care of your appearance; not out of vanity, but as an act of self-love and self-care. Likewise, eat healthy, prepare a meal made with nutritious and delicious foods. Enjoy it.

Also take care of your mind, dedicate some time to your inner world. Sit in front of a blank paper and express what you feel, without censorship and without organization, just go expressing what arises from you. Reflect on your fears, your sorrows, frustrations and desires and let them out. You will immediately feel the relief of venting your emotions.

Do enjoyable activities

It’s always important to give ourselves little rewards on a daily basis, but when we’re feeling sad, these simple actions become even more relevant. Therefore, find a moment to dedicate yourself to something that generates calm and well-being. Read a book, draw, walk in nature, or rewatch your favorite movie.

Also try to spend time with people who appreciate you and add value to you. Enjoy their company. Sadness often leads us to isolate ourselves; however, social relationships have the valuable ability to improve our self-esteem and elevate our mood. Take the opportunity.

Woman reading a book

Facing sad days allows us to get to know each other better

Many people complain that others only love them in their good moments and disappear when they are most needed. Let’s not do the same to ourselves. It is easy to feel comfortable and calm with who you are when we are full, happy and full of energy. But, if we are going to love each other, we have to do it in any circumstance.

Let’s stop seeing sadness as an enemy and begin to perceive it as an ally. She offers us the opportunity to get to know each other better, to deepen our being, to accompany us and heal ourselves . If we stop resisting sad days and begin to take advantage of them, we will be one step closer to happiness.

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