3 Signs That Psychological Violence Leaves On The Body

3 signs that psychological violence leaves on the body

Psychological violence also leaves traces on the body, not only on the mental plane. Proof of this is the large number of diseases that science has not managed to treat and cure completely, since they are due to causes or are echoes that are not eliminated with some compound sold in pharmacies.

Although we know that the body and the mind are a unit, in practice we tend to see them as separate. However, everything that affects the emotions also transforms the organism. And a fact or situation as shocking as psychological violence could not be an exception.

Unfortunately, there is a widespread myth that psychological violence is less important and with less profound consequences than physical violence. However, this is not the case. It hurts the same or more, and sometimes it leaves traces in the body similar to those that a blow would leave. Next we will talk about three of those most important signs that psychological violence leaves on the body.

1. Emotional or nervous gastritis, a sign of psychological violence

Let’s first say that gastritis is the inflammation of the gastric mucosa, that is, of that layer that lines the stomach from the inside. The main symptoms of this health problem are sharp pain in the abdominal area, a burning sensation in the belly and a lot of heartburn. Such symptoms can be disabling.

man with stomach ache due to psychological violence

At the same time, this type of gastritis is accompanied by some emotional symptoms. The most visible are restlessness or worry, stress, nervousness and tension. The main cause of this problem is precisely anxiety, with its many characteristics.

Emotional or nervous gastritis is in many cases a physical trace of psychological violence that the same person inflicts (self-inflicted). There is a very high self-demand and that leads to constant emotional tension. This triggers an episode of stress and, over time, leads to anxiety. The affected person does not listen to what his body says. He attacks and harms himself, many times without realizing it.

2. Hypertension

Hypertension is another of those consequences that can be derived from psychological violence. The human being comes phylogenetically prepared to react to dangerous situations. Both his body and his mind respond to such danger by triggering reactions that seek the preservation of life.

hypertension caused by psychological violence

Blood pressure rises when there is a danger signal and the body must prepare for defense or flight. When the danger disappears, the tension returns to its normal rhythm. If danger is in the mind, then a situation of constant risk is experienced, which, in turn, causes the person to maintain high tension in order to stay alert.

Those who constantly feel attacked or belittled tend to develop hypertension. In other words, they remain in a defensive position against the psychological violence that is exerted on them. It is usual that these are people who are in highly conflictive environments and, many times, dangerous for their integrity.

3. Eye spills

Eye effusions are those hemorrhages that sometimes appear in the white part of the eye (sclera). The usual thing is that this type of hemorrhage does not produce basically any symptoms. They do not hurt, do not affect vision or cause discomfort in the eye. They just appear on any given day and then fade away. Science does not know why this occurs. However, there are many hypotheses in this regard.

From the psychosomatic point of view, the ocular effusion can speak of psychological violence. It can be interpreted as an emotional blow that was received in the face, but whose causes and consequences were decided to be repressed. In other words, the body reacts as if it had indeed received a blow to the face, even if it was not physical.

eye spill produced by psychological violence

Likewise, the ocular effusion can be interpreted as a wound due to what was seen or is seen. Not necessarily physically. It is a way that the mind has to express, through the body, that it suffers from the panorama it contemplates. This occurs in conditions of psychological violence.

Unfortunately, emotional health is often not given the same importance as physical health, as if they were two independent areas of very different relevance. This is a serious error. Negative experiences, such as psychological violence, not only lead to physical illness but can even lead to death. In this sense, taking care of our internal world is preserving our life.

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