Sensitive People Are Made Like This: They Do Everything With Their Heart

Sensitive people are made like this: they do everything with their heart

The true angels are those people who appear out of nowhere and give light to our life. Sensitive people made of purity who do everything with their heart and who, still have their souls full of scars, contribute to make our journey more beautiful.

Because being sensitive is not a way of being, it is a way of living and sharing the path, empowering ourselves through feelings and emotions, both our own and others. There will be those who criticize sensitivity, who assume that this trait is a sign of weakness and do not see that our strength lies in it.

Sensitive people know it, emotions are often punished. They make us believe that feeling makes us less effective, strong and capable when it comes to making decisions and walking through life. They make us believe that we are vulnerable and that sensitivity is synonymous with ineffectiveness.


We are a balloon of emotions in a world of pins

We are a balloon of emotions in a world of pins. We transform, many times, into emotions and feelings. They shape us, characterize us and, at the same time, make us pay a high price.

Our concerns, our emotions and our way of feeling inflate our balloon. Then there are the pins, which puncture our balloon and spread our emotions, causing the explosion to often cause a traumatic and irreparable rupture.

Fortunately, this has begun to change and our emotional part is increasingly valued and, above all, more cared for. This helps us add to our growth and, with it, give validity to our inner world.

Woman surrounded by feathers

Being sensitive and generous people, the key to happiness

According to a study published in the journal Emotion, acts of generosity and sensitivity towards others make us feel better. Katherine Nelson, expert and author of the study, states that:

“When we only take care of ourselves, we do not see any improvement in our emotions”

She states that the results of her study were expected to show that prosocial behaviors lead people to feel more positive emotions and to feel more fulfilled. However, he was surprised to see “that when we only take care of ourselves, we do not see any improvement in positive or negative emotions, or psychological fullness.”

This fact is very important since people are often encouraged to indulge themselves in order to feel better, but the study results suggest that the best we can do is please someone.

Thus, as we have been saying, doing something for others allows us to feel better, more satisfied and fuller. Being sensitive people, connecting and empathizing with those around us opens up a wonderful world of good emotions and beautiful feelings.

Affective relationships with highly sensitive people (PAS)

Thus, the fact of concentrating on the well-being of others improves us as people and gives us the opportunity to explore from the heart, healing in turn the wounds that at some point broke us inside.

Because, if there is something that makes us improve and climb our mountain with simplicity, it is goodness. Because being a good person is the only investment that never fails and always enriches both oneself and the world.

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