The Irremediable Passage Of Time

Do you feel that the inevitable passage of time you like less and less? Do not worry because this happens to the more than 6,000 million people in the world.
The irremediable passage of time

As you get older, you have the feeling that the years go by faster. And that passage of time generates a fear or anxiety that is almost universal. However, not everyone is capable of managing it properly. Whatever the case, the best option is to accept that the passage of time is irremediable and, therefore, you have to take advantage of it. 

Over the years they will learn, or have to learn, to value everything that has already been lived. Thus, one realizes that each vital stage has its moment and its characteristics. But, above all, that nothing is forever. As for the feeling of the passage of time, childhood is one of the best stages that exist. You live without any kind of worry, just trying to be happy, playing, imagining, having fun with friends, etc.

“Children have no past or future, that’s why they enjoy the present, something that rarely happens to us.”

-Jean de la Bruyere-

Later in adolescence, adult life begins to be glimpsed, but being aware of the ease of childhood. Walking in desire and opportunities between the two ages. There it is discovered that love can be very beautiful or a whole tragedy, that sooner or later one gets a disappointment or disappointment with that person whom he had completely idealized and with whom he thought he would spend his whole life.

Already in adulthood, reaching maturity, important people begin to say goodbye. Much of the friendships are lost, the circle is reduced, the family too. But he builds his own being aware that one day the cycle will begin again. Thus, the elderly are the ones who are most certain about the passage of time and how everything is declining. However, they are the ones who most value everything they have experienced.

There is no other than to accept the passage of time

Like everything in life, the passage of time has its good side. And it is that, all the situations and experiences previously lived, help us to know ourselves better, to mature and above all to learn, so as not to fall into the same stone over and over again.

When one reaches a certain age, one realizes that he is already beginning to get “older”. And this can cause two types of fear in people. On the one hand, the fear of the passage of time. Chronophobia consists of an anxiety disorder before the sensation and the knowledge that time is out of our control. These people actually suffer from physical and psychological symptoms as time goes by, and ironically, they spend a lot of time making it look like it doesn’t seem that way to them too.

There is also the fear of aging or gerascophobia. These people feel anguish when they see the signs of the passage of time, lose their beauty and youth, or when they think about being left out and falling into oblivion. In relation to this, it is understood that the passage of time generates rejection or anxiety depending on the vital objectives that we set for ourselves and with the way we have to experience setbacks.

Either way, the passage of time is completely irremediable. So why not just accept the situation as it comes? All ages have their good and bad stages, and for this reason there is no choice but to be optimistic.

Enjoy the life

Being urged to enjoy life is an easy resource, but it is undoubtedly a very useful premise when it comes to the passage of time. Only then, when the time comes, we can look back and feel that although the time has gone faster than desired, it has been well used. Each stage has its resources and its way of being enjoyed. For example, when you are young you do not have independence, so it is usually enjoyed in a simpler way. It is around thirty or forty that you have the energy and resources to make bigger plans, like taking that dream trip.

You have to take advantage of each age to travel, meet people and cultivate in the way you can. You can be surprised knowing what you are capable of! Likewise, doing different things, proposing new  goals or objectives is what will bring the feeling of vitality so necessary.

In short, taking care of time and making the most of each stage of life will bring you unforgettable moments. This is what the mythical actor of the 20th century, Charles Chaplin, said :

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