How To Be More Organized

How to be more organized


In many cases, being disorderly is a learned or inherent behavior of the personality, which can be maintained throughout life. Even for some, it is positive.

It is one of the most common phrases, or “If I don’t follow my order, then I can’t find things.”

English playwright Thomas Middleton said that one of the advantages of disorder is that new and exciting discoveries are continually being made. However, this attitude can be taken as harmful, lack of commitment, synonymous with “laziness” or not caring about anything, and so on. Is that disorder can delay our daily tasks or prevent us from doing them in some cases.

If you want to stop being so messy and start organizing your room, your house, your workplace and even your life, you can take a look at the following ideas. You should know that you will need some time to put it into practice, but everything is based on commitment, perseverance and will.


Recommendations to be more orderly


1 – Define a place for each thing. These spaces can be labeled or labeled to make it easier to find or remember what was placed there later. What will cost you the most will not be to put something in that place, but rather to put it back when you take it out. Use boxes, jars, folders, and group objects.

2 – Order little by little.  Although the best thing would be to take a whole day of the weekend to do “general cleaning” of the home or half a working day to organize the office, if you are already “born” messy this will be a very tedious task and you will never do it completely.

It is best to order in stages. In the case of the home, it begins with the kitchen, for example, and then continues through the living room, the following week the bedroom and a few days later the garage.

3 – Establish a routine of order: if you have a hard time keeping everything in order, then take some time in your weekly agenda to organize. This way you will create a habit and it will become less and less cumbersome to accommodate and maintain order.

4 – Don’t delay cleaning after making a mess.  The clearest example of this recommendation is what happens in the kitchen. It is the best way to act so that later we are not lazy to do it.

When you are cooking and you use many elements and ingredients, everything seems a disaster, but if you wash as you finish using certain utensils (which you will not need again), the environment will already seem more orderly. The same in the office, as soon as you finish drinking the coffee, go wash the cup and throw the cookie papers in the trash.

5 – Store what you don’t use: We almost always keep things “just in case”. If you are one of those who find it difficult to get rid of the material or if you have moved to a smaller space and have many things, you can store on the upper shelves what you will use a few times a year, such as the Christmas tree or the childhood memories of your children.

6 – Do not make “intermediate places”: If you have a very large or two-story house, it is common for you to accumulate things at the base of the stairs or in a “middle” point between where it was and where it really goes.

The problem is that later we do not take it where it belongs and we end up piling things up everywhere. Take them directly to their place even if it takes you longer to climb the stairs or walk to the last room of the house.

7- Take advantage of filing cabinets: This is good for work, because in offices there are usually loose documents all the time. At home you can do the same with bills or accounts to pay. A folder where you can keep everything is really a very good idea, always labeling to know what is inside.

8- Put together a team action plan: If there are several people in your family or you work with at least one other person, they can be organized in such a way as to order and accommodate in unison. Try not to make this activity boring, especially if there are little ones in the house.

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