5 Books To Educate Children Who Believe In Themselves

5 books to educate children who believe in themselves

Today we are going to present a series of books to educate children to believe in themselves. Why is this detail important? There is a phrase by Karl A. Menninger that sums it up perfectly: “what is given to children, children will give to society.”

Surely, as parents, we all dream of happy children, full and doing what they like. For this, that they develop in a more just and balanced world is essential. And to obtain a properly developed society, you need people who believe in themselves, who have security and self-sufficiency and who can pour all their capacities into a fuller life.

The faith that makes them believe is part of intuition and knowledge

During the earliest childhood, the little ones tend to be spontaneous and direct, which is why dealing with them is partly such a peculiar experience. But, from the age of 7, they already begin to worry about “what they will say” and the opinions of friends, educators and family.

Girl swinging

However, do not allow part of the spontaneity of the little ones to be lost. Teach them to manage their emotions, but without disconnecting from them. If we want them to develop properly and safely, we have to show the way for them to express them assertively. They have rights and our mission is that they know them so that no one in our absence can attempt against them.

The opposite, the only thing it achieves is that children disconnect from their emotions, so they also distance themselves from part of their identity. Let us remember that  a child, like an adult who is not clear about his identity, loses part of himself, which leads to his insecurity.

Books to educate children who believe in themselves

This is where this list of books to educate children comes into play that can help us to make them never stop believing in themselves. Reading can help them understand that their likes and desires whenever they are going to have a place, to engage in direct dialogues with their emotions, so that they can identify and express them in a way that does not harm them or harm others. In addition, these books to educate children will do their bit to make them feel more secure, confident in their possibilities and strong in their self-esteem. So take note of these titles.

The herd

We start the list with El flock, by Margarita del Mazo. A book with beautiful illustrations that amuses both children and adults. In it we find a beautiful lesson on respect for the individual, neighbor and diversity.

To do this, the author tells the story of a group of very special sheep, which we count to sleep. Because everything was very beautiful when these animals came to the thought, ran, jumped and continued on their way … until number 4 disappeared.


Let’s go now with Cuervo, the work of Leo Timmers. Another illustrated book that lovingly addresses everyone’s need to feel loved. Not because we are different should we allow ourselves to be treated differently from others.

In this case, it is what happens to the crow that stars in the story. No bird wants to know anything about it, and the animal itself understands nothing. But everything will change when this dark bird takes control of his life and discovers that you do not have to be who you are not really to be accepted.

All but one

It is the turn of All but One, by Éric Battut. Here, the protagonists are a group of peas that are forced to remain still in the order of the pod where they had been born.

Everything changes when a pea decides that it does not want to be like everyone else. Thus, the courage it takes to step outside the norm and travel the world is the true protagonist of this emotional story.

Boy reading a book

I love you (almost always)

It’s the turn of I love you (almost always), by Anna Llenas. In this case, the story has unconditional love as its protagonist, beyond social conventions, defects and differences.

Here, the protagonist is a bug named Lolo, along with Rita, a firefly. Antagonistic characters, the first is perfectionist and controlling, the second, pure improvisation. But, when there is love, balance is always a possible mission.

A severe case of stripes

We end with David Shannon’s book, A Serious Case of Stingrays. Do we really have to do something because it’s what everyone else does ? This is what we see in this fun play.

Here, the girl Camila Flan does not eat beans because nobody does, even if she loves them. A girl who, due to her desire to integrate, tries to do everything as others do. But you will soon learn that this is not the solution.

You already know 5 books to educate children who believe in themselves that they are really fun and very pleasant to read with your little ones. Water their kindergarten so that they develop fully, just as they are, happy and trusting that they are unique and wonderful people.

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