The Last Drop Of Meaning That Flows From The Source Of Life

The last drop of meaning that flows from the source of life

There comes a time when we hit rock bottom, everything is meaningless and we feel that we have exhausted ourselves both physically and mentally. There is no longer life, there is no longer meaning. We have reached the most absolute bottom and pain prevents us from continuing to fight. The fountain of life is completely dry.

We have all felt lost, exhausted. At some point, our forces have abandoned us and we have thought that we were in the middle of an embroiled sea and without any recourse to calm it. It is normal, we make hundreds of decisions a day and it is not strange that we chain a few bad ones. This happens both in everyday decisions and with those that have a greater weight.

The question is how to get back to the ship of which we are captains. Think, you just have to rejoin the dots, so that you form a figure that you recognize, that you start from and in which you can rest.

Live your life with intensity

girl under water with roses

This is a maxim that many of us fulfill. We live in the present as much as we can, to the extent that we do not overly jeopardize our future, damage our image of ourselves, or hurt others. But, sometimes this is difficult and this is when the moment comes when the lack of meaning is noticed.

Don’t get sucked into a bad time. It is clear that sometimes time passes before our eyes and we stop really living to be like “puppets” who eat, go to work, return home and get locked into a routine that causes them that frightening nonsense.

Sometimes we even lock ourselves into the past reliving painful memories that keep us from moving forward. Other times, instead, we focus so much on the future that we forget to enjoy what we have in the present, simply putting it off.

Let’s put aside the past and the future, take some time for yourself and enjoy every minute as if it were the last. It is difficult, but everything you do in your life should please you. So live it intensely, make every second make sense.

If your life has stopped making sense and you want to choose “an easy path” the first thing you should do is surrender and share your existence with other people. This will teach you to love, respect and value your life. Giving with our eyes closed often dispels the fog that makes us feel lost, it is as if through others we could reach ourselves, somehow reversing the path.

By protecting those we love and love us, we also protect our meaning. We make our help network stronger, so that when there is a threat of falling we do not descend so much before someone reaches out to us. In addition, it will not be just any hand, but one that knows us and knows how to hold us.

You must learn to find and look for what you need, but never to believe that this is the definitive solution to that nonsense in which you found yourself. Love, respect, share, give yourself. But at the same time, be free. Free to find your own meaning in your life.

Enrich your life every day

When we see that the years pass and we look back, sometimes we believe that we have wasted time : that there are things that we have wanted to do and have not done, that you would have wanted to repair the damage that arose from a misunderstanding, that you had tried one more time or once less …

You see an empty life in the past, full of experiences that were never carried out because of your fears and insecurities. You had dreams, of course you did! But you never came to realize them and they remained mere chimeras.

Make your life take on the meaning it deserves so that when you reach old age and look back you will be satisfied with the fat lines that you have drawn, although you would have liked to change some detail. That you do not have to regret anything, that everything you have wanted to do you have done.

You have probably had a lot of things left undone, but that’s normal! You can’t cover everything either, but the most important thing for you has been done. Make every day count, that if you want to live experiences you will live them without limitations and without fear.

drop of water on a plant

Your life makes sense, but you must make an effort to find it. Don’t think about tomorrow, think about today. Leave the past behind and start putting into practice everything you would like to do. It is time to stop dreaming and start fulfilling our dreams through actions.

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