Diet On Mood: How Does It Influence?

Did you know that an alteration in the intestinal microbiota could significantly increase the risk of suffering from depression? Diet and mental health are closely related.
Diet on the state of mind: how does it influence?

Diet has a significant influence on mood. For example, eating incorrectly increases  the risk of developing pathologies of a depressive nature that can cause alterations in emotional function. For this reason, it is essential to take care of the diet.

There are many factors that can influence the development of clinical entities. Toxic social relationships or sedentary lifestyle are clear risk factors. In the same way, a bad night’s rest could influence the way you perceive things.

Alterations in the microbiota influence mood

There is a two-way communication relationship evidenced between the intestine and the brain. This is stated by an investigation published in the Chinese Medical Journal . In this way, alterations in digestive function or health can manifest themselves on the cognitive system or on mood.

diet in mood

It is considered that intestinal dysbiosis could be behind many processes of depression or anxiety. Likewise, it has been shown that the administration of probiotics can reduce the risk of developing emotional disorders, since it protects health in the medium and long term.

To achieve a healthy and functional microbiota, it is essential to include fermented foods in the diet frequently; In addition, it will be important to ensure the consumption of fiber, since this substance serves as an energy substrate for the bacteria that colonize the digestive tract.

Diet and Melatonin Production

Through diet you can also influence the endogenous synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that is closely related to good mental health. It is a substance that regulates, among other things, the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Ensuring that it is synthesized correctly is the key to getting a good night’s rest to ensure emotional stability.

To achieve a good production of melatonin it is essential to include foods high in tryptophan in the diet. Said amino acid intervenes in the physiology of the hormone; also in serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to the feeling of happiness.

Proteins of high biological value have a significant concentration of tryptophan. Also certain foods of plant origin, such as nuts. Of course, it is convenient to consume them natural or toasted, avoiding the fried and salty ones.

Another option to improve mood can be supplementation with melatonin. This strategy manages to improve the quality of sleep, which in the medium term causes stability at an emotional level and a lower risk of developing anxiety or depression.

Some foods in the diet can negatively influence mood

In addition to there being edibles that improve the mood, we can find others that have just the opposite effect. For example, alcohol should be avoided; This poison affects cognitive function and generates alterations in the hormonal and inflammatory balance, thus affecting brain health in the medium term.

It is essential to reduce the presence of trans fats and simple sugars in the diet. Ultra-processed foods concentrate both elements in large quantities. They have an inflammatory effect, which affects the good state of the microbiota, increasing the probability of developing some clinical entities associated with mood.

diet in mood

Diet influences mood

As you have seen, correctly designing your diet can positively influence your mood, reducing the incidence of emotional disturbances. It is essential to promote the consumption of fresh food, reduce the intake of industrial ultra-processed and alcoholic beverages.

To complement its effects, it will be crucial to maintain other health habits. Performing physical exercise on a regular basis is very important; This improves the state of relaxation and well-being thanks to the synthesis of endorphins, a series of neurotransmitters related to happiness.

Likewise, it is key to ensure a correct night’s rest. It is necessary to sleep 7 or 8 hours daily to guarantee the quality of rest, with the minimum possible interruptions. To promote sleep conciliation you can introduce some supplements, such as melatonin or magnesium. These usually generate good results, achieving an effective repair of the body during the night.

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