Looking For Peace Of Mind: How To Find It?

Looking for peace of mind: How to find it?

Having peace of mind is a very important achievement . I know you may think that it is mythical to reach that state. Or that it is unattainable or unreal. Perhaps you know few people who can say “I am at peace.”

It seems to me in some cases it is better to say “I am in balance”. Many times you can be in the middle of a conflict, a dispute and still feel balanced. Obviously you live in this world that is increasingly stressed, more worried and more immediate, but when you achieve peace of mind, you will experience that sense of balance that I am talking about.


What is peace of mind?


Peace of mind is a stable balance that you get back to after or despite negative experiences. It is like a ball in the middle of two mountains.

They may push you up one, but you slip again and be in your place. If the push is too great, you may be oscillating, going up and down, but you will be back at your equilibrium point. Don’t think about going up a raised rope trying not to fall, no.

Woman peace of mind

Achieving inner balance is a constant task, but there are some steps to help you achieve it.

1. Simplify your life

Have less to worry about. You should always think that quality is better than quantity . You should also apply that to your friends. Do not continue with destructive friendships, which causes you unbalance to see them.

Also think about material things, for example your clothes. When you change seasons, see if there is something you did not wear and think if you are ever going to wear it. Probably not. Then donate it to an institution or give it to someone. This will make your work easier every time you have to fix the closet and it will make others very happy.

If you are going to buy something, think if it is really essential. Don’t let advertising or fashion rule your life . This way you can pay attention to only the important things and focus on them. Break free!

2. Think about the present

Don’t obsess over the past. If it was not good, try to fix it now, but do not regret it. Work on your present. You also don’t need to worry too much about the future. It depends on what you do now what the future will be like. Focus on the here and now and enjoy it.

3. Be grateful and smile

Please look at the glass as half full and not half empty. Be thankful for what you have, even for the slightest bit. Be grateful to yourself, to your parents, your family. Also with the baker, the supermarket cashier.

Give them a smile. You will be able to change their mood and you will also change yours. You will see how much better you will interact with people, your co-workers, with everyone. A smile always transmits calm, happiness and love.

Heart shaped soap bubbles


4. Remember that everything will pass

Time is indifferent, whether you are in a great moment or a terrible one. If it is very good, enjoy it and if it is very bad, it will pass. Time goes on its way. A very good exercise is that you try to be someone else. How would such a person resolve this situation?

It is important to see things from another point of view and do not lose your cool. It is very important that you always try to be calm. Take a deep breath, put yourself in your environment and calm down. The time fixes everything.

5. Finish what you start and close your cycles

Your cycles of studies, work, love. Also your duels. They have a beginning but you, in due time, must give it an end. You must act patiently. Also be patient with yourself. Everything in due time comes. But you must be able to finish what you started in order to move on.

Those steps are the key. But remember that they are all in you. It is you who must seek your inner peace and understand that no matter what happens to your environment, it should not affect you.

Most of the time we go through life more concerned with remembering and regretting the past than with living what is presented in the now. Peace of mind changes this. It allows you to let go of what is more and learn to enjoy what you have today. Worrying excessively is not positive or healthy, so don’t do it.

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