Psychological Safety Is A Myth

The apparent perfection of psychological balance is more of an erroneous belief than a reality. Find out why we usually think about this emotional state and how to face reality about it.
Psychological safety is a myth

We are constantly looking for psychological security, desperately, believing that we can reach a state of balance and permanence, without anything disturbing us. We seek this security consciously and unconsciously, so that we can turn away from our fears and our insecurities to put an end to the uncertainty of tomorrow.

We seek psychological and physical safety because our lives involve a conflict, which is beyond our control in most cases, and we do not know how to react or how to respond to a multitude of complications and adversities.

We create gods, superstitions, ideas, beliefs; all to find psychological security. However, is there really that psychological security? The simple fact of questioning it causes us fear and discomfort. We believe that we are not capable of being present in that constant uncertainty that is life.

Woman with closed eyes on pillow

There is no permanence or balance

Everything we believe that we can reach a state of balance and permanence is simply an illusion. Our lives are fraught with anxiety, fear, despair; from the constant feeling of pretending to be loved and feeling loved. Superficiality and selfishness invade us, we react disproportionately, incoherent and unpredictable.

Nothing is certain or permanent, since everything is liable to disappear and change. It is the essential characteristic of life itself, and the characteristic of the human being. We resist believing this; and our actions, regardless of whether they are right or wrong, go in the direction of one’s own psychological safety.

We seek this psychological security through the external: through the effort to get good jobs, have a good education, adaptation to new technologies, and integration into a consumer and competitive society. And internal security through inner peace, and the feeling that there is something that is permanent and safe. All this searching only brings us frustration and anguish. We are the creators and protagonists of problems that we do not want to accept.

Dare to question your psychological safety

It is evident that most of us seek this state of security, even if it is to have this feeling for a few periods of time; be it, for example, with a love or with a stable job.

However, by pretending that these kinds of things are permanent in our lives, we become slaves to such situations. We resist a love ending, we resist changing jobs and accepting that we no longer like it and are not passionate about it.

When we resist changes and the acceptance that our thoughts, emotions and feelings are in constant variation with the passage of time, we cling tightly to the past, seeking that security, the well-being that we had found then. Although that no longer serves our present. In that resistance arises the suffering and decadence of the human being.

Dare with insecurity

Our true state is insecurity

Questioning ourselves and contemplating the fact that psychological security does not exist already represents a desperation in itself, with respect to what is our tendency to seek security. This path involves experiencing uncertainty and living with the fact that everything around us as well as in ourselves is changing.

This fact requires great attention and understanding, so that it is not vain and superficial. By delving into this question we will be able to observe the conflicts that we create out of fear of insecurity. The dependencies we maintain and the resistance to accept ourselves and life as it is.

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