Happiness, A Way To Go

Happiness, a way to go

Happiness is something that all of us seek. That feeling of fullness, of happiness so difficult to describe. That feeling of peace where everything is perfect.

But, the routine, the stresses, the work, the lack of vacations … add us to a stress that is difficult to overcome. In addition, all this added to the problems that may arise, can make our character sour, angry, bitter. What can we do then?

Changing, modifying our life so that happiness returns to our lives can be, at times, impossible for whatever reasons. But, today we will help you find it in small actions that you will have to carry out. You have a path that leads to happiness. But, maybe, you have passed it, you have ignored it, you do not know how to go through it or where to find it. Today we will help you. Happiness is waiting for you.

Heal the memories and forgive

woman looking at her reflection in the water

We all have sad memories that we remember from our past. Moments in which we have a hard time, but from which perhaps we have learned. Who doesn’t have sad moments in their life? Take them, don’t ignore them! and start to heal them. The key is to forgive, not only others, but also yourself.

Perhaps they have been frustrations, misunderstandings, situations that happened without anyone being able to avoid them … Bad times, sad times that we all go through. Forgive and forgive yourself for them. If something was your fault, it has already happened. Now is the time to change things, to change everything, not to make the same mistakes again.

You know well that learning from your mistakes will allow you to be a better person and be, in this way, closer to the happiness you long for. Do not hold a grudge, do not be bitter about things that have already happened. What matters is the present and it is in your hands to change. Do not recriminate yourself, do not think about what has already happened. Today, it is what matters.

Enjoy everything you have

mother running with her two children

Many times, we long for much more than what we now possess. This is not negative, because it is good to have a positive vision of the future, to want to continue growing and to achieve great things. But what do you have now? That idealized vision of your future can cloud your present. Maybe you want to achieve that house of your dreams or become rich. Maybe you want to find your ideal partner.

But what you don’t realize is that by focusing so much on what you want, you put aside what you already have. It is okay to think about achieving all of those things, but you must be prepared and be aware that maybe that does not happen. And the truth is, nothing happens!

Be humble, look around you. Enjoy your friends, the possessions you have. Enjoy everything you can now. Well, happiness, sometimes, does not come with what we want to achieve. We believe that by having more things, or more money, we will be happier and not until then. You’re wrong. Happiness will be with you whenever you want it.

Value yourself and fulfill your dreams

young man with plant in his hands

As in the previous point, we often believe that happiness is not in us but in something that we must achieve. To begin with, you must value yourself. Do you really think you can enjoy something if you don’t enjoy yourself? Think, it is the same as when they say that you cannot love if you do not love yourself. How to do something you don’t understand?

Learn to respect yourself, to believe in yourself and in your happiness. Learn to give yourself value and also give value to what you want. For example, what happens to that trip you wanted to do? And that language you wanted to learn? What about that friend you said you were going to visit?

To be happy, you must learn to start fulfilling your dreams now. Nothing to leave for tomorrow, which in the end will become a month and then a year. If you want to do something, do it now! We only have one life, are you really going to wait to get to that happiness?

Don’t waste your time, spend your life on what you really want. Now is the time to enjoy, although always with a head, of course! But what I am sure of is that you will not regret that crazy moment in which you decided to bet on your dreams without thinking for a moment.


Images courtesy of Mariana Kalacheva and Pascal Campion

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