Never Expect Others To Take The Initiative

Never expect others to take the initiative

Taking the initiative is something that sometimes costs us a lot. That is why most of the time we hope that others will take the first step. This only denotes a selfish attitude, a mistake we make on more than one occasion when we always expect others to take the initiative, instead of us.

When do we want others to take the initiative? When we consider that they should ask us for an apology, when we have to make a decision, think of a plan, and so on. That others think for us is something very comfortable, but for that reason think about it, isn’t it a bit selfish?

If you don’t, nobody will

woman with a top hat from which balloons come out demonstrating her initiative

The initiative is not only present when we allow others to take it for us in terms of choosing a place to go or when it comes to apologies, but it goes further. You take the initiative in your daily life, every time you choose a job, every time you decide to get up every morning, every time you decide to do something on your own.

It will be your initiative that takes you where you want to go, so you should never think that even if you do it, others will. Thinking like this implies that you have no goals in life, you find yourself on a dead-end road and your motivation is conspicuous by its absence.

But the initiative has something that very few people notice. The initiative is to do something without anyone suggesting it to you, without anyone pressuring or coercing you. It is something that comes absolutely from you, from your own thinking, from your reasoning, without influences, without pressure and without insinuations.

If you do not take the first step in your life, you will probably never achieve what you dream of, you will see how opportunities pass before you without being able to catch them and you will observe how others reach their goals while you keep without pursuing yours.

Sometimes initiative without perseverance is meaningless. It is clear that we cannot always be with unstoppable strength and will, but if you have something in mind you should go for it.

Our biggest mistake when taking initiatives in our life is to postpone everything we want to achieve. It is clear that we see life as if there is always a tomorrow and that is why we do not enjoy or take risks here and now.

We tend to always leave everything “for another day” putting off something that we really want. Isn’t this delaying our well-being and happiness? It seems that we have been accustomed to putting everything off, preventing us from focusing on the present and living in a continuous future that has not yet arrived.

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today

Let’s learn to persevere, to fight for the things that we really want to achieve. If you want something, do it now! do not leave it for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day, tomorrow you may no longer have the necessary strength to embark on the path to your dreams.

If you want something, start it, there is no use thinking about it and putting it off. Take the initiative of your life and do not think that others will already do it, because your life is yours. Live in the present, persevere in what you want to achieve. There is nothing easy in this life, because if it were, the things we achieve would be worthless.

The goal will be more satisfying than you really think. Strive, fight, take the initiative, take control of your life, work hard … you will get what you want sooner than you thought. When you least expect it, you will find yourself at the peak of success, achieving your dreams.

woman reaching for umbrella from the sky

Images courtesy of Patt Brennan.

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