Keys To Get Out Of Bad Times

To get out of the bad spells, the most important thing is to examine the situation and readjust expectations for the immediate future. It is necessary to give up the idea that we should be as good as before in the short term.
Keys to get out of the bad times

What we call “losing streaks” often begins with a loss or a particularly difficult problem to solve. Later, as a result of that event, or in parallel, other problematic situations converge and it is then that we begin to feel that we are in a stage in which “everything goes wrong”.

We could say that, in general, we define bad spells as those moments in which several factors or negative experiences coincide at the same time. The usual thing is that the causes of this are attached to a factor of “bad luck” or “bad luck”. It is also common to find a culprit or to try to interpret everything as a punishment or as the effect of the “bad energy” of something or someone.

For us to talk about bad spells, the situation has to remain that way for a relatively long period of time. This, of course, saps our vitality and many times plunges us into a state of pessimism that makes us look as if the world has turned gray. It also floods us with fears and revives insecurities that we thought were overcome. Can you get out of that dark pit? Yes of course. And these are some keys to achieve it.

To get out of the losing streaks, identify the core problem

Although bad streaks are characterized by the fact that everything seems to be going wrong, the truth is that there is always a factor or a central focus. The most common is that it matches the element that gave rise to those bad times. This usually has to do with the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, a love breakdown, an accident or illness, or some event that caused a strong injury to self-love.

To get out of the bad spells, it is important to identify which is that element that has more weight than the others. In general, that factor is precisely the most difficult to solve. However, specifying it helps us to organize ideas and design possible solutions or, in any case, to frame the facts.

Worried boy looking out the window

Examine your mental context

It is very important that you examine the entire mental context surrounding that core problem. This context refers to the ideas that are associated with that difficulty. If they gave you pumpkins, you may link that fact with ideas like “it was my fault”, or “I will never be so happy again” and others like that. If the central problem is unemployment, it may be that you build a network of thought in which vague ideas appear that make you feel incapable, incompetent or of little value.

Typically, this mental context becomes seriously pessimistic during bad spells. Also, to get out of there it is not enough that you give yourself three pats on the back and shake your head to make those ideas go away. The important thing is that you become aware that there are those negative statements and that if you want to get out of this negative stage, you must transform those ideas . Not for the opposite, but for other more realistic ones.

Take action, don’t stand still

One of the effects of bad spells is to gradually lead us to a certain paralysis. Initially, we react dynamically to difficulties, but as time goes by, inaction takes hold of us. We may even find ourselves in a position where we simply wait for “something to happen” to get us out of there.

Woman focusing on the sun

If we allow ourselves to be invaded by this pessimistic passivity, it will be increasingly difficult to overcome the situation. A pessimistic inertia will take over, almost always leading to more problems and more mistakes. Although we do not have the upper hand, we must act. Readjust our expectations and our plans and get moving. Many have the fantasy that solving the problem is returning to the previous state and it is not.

If we lost a great job, let’s not wait to get a new job as wonderful as the old one to move on. If we lost a great love, let us not imagine that another great love must come to replace it. Nothing will be as before and most likely we will have to start over, in very different conditions. The idea of ​​restoring the previous state takes away our strength and is useless. You come out of bad times with humility and attitude, it has no more mystery.

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