7 Things You Learn From Your Children

What can the little ones teach you? The illusion, the innocence of the first few times and the search for fun are just some of the most valuable lessons you can learn from them. Find out more!
7 things you learn from your children

Children are an inexhaustible source of teachings. When we look through the eyes of a child, we reconnect with a part of our childhood and discover that, deep down, there is still something of that childhood “I” within us. Sure there are many things that you learn from your children almost without realizing it.

In this article we have selected 7 of them that will make us reflect on the magic of the first few times and on how we can still get excited about things as adults.

You observe the things you learn from your children through their day to day and their growth, in behaviors, comments, attitudes … There are a lot of learning that we can obtain through them, although here we have selected only those that seem to us most noteworthy.

The illusion of the first times

The first years of life are full of firsts. The illusion of those first times characterizes children, and it is something we can learn from them: the magic of perceiving novelty in small variations, in repetitions with very small differences.

As we grow older and have more responsibilities, the illusion often fades into the background. Also, we no longer have that innocence of childhood in which we have the feeling that there is an aura that protects us.

Boy having fun in the snow

The ability to surprise us

Closely related to the previous one, the truth is that the ability to surprise us also decreases with the passage of time. In children this aspect is very much alive, especially among the little ones, who are more easily surprised.

So, another of the things you learn from your children is the benefits of being surprised, of not expecting anything from anyone. This emotional alteration results from an unexpected and unforeseen event, which often leads to positive emotions (although surprise, itself, is a “neutral” emotion).

The pursuit of fun

Children are innate explorers of the environment, and they have an inherent need to seek fun through it. In addition, the energy that characterizes them makes it easier for them to never tire of looking to have fun.

Adults, on the other hand, tend to focus on other things and leave this facet of life cornered, on many occasions, due to lack of time, the acquisition of responsibilities, etc.

Loss of shame

Although not all, most children are not ashamed of interacting with others, saying what they think, behaving spontaneously … This “loss” of shame makes them enjoy things more, because they are not so afraid what will they say.

Therefore, another of the things you learn from your children is to lose their shame and lower the level of inhibition a little about your speech, leaving aside prejudices and the fear of ridicule.

The lack of resentment

Grudge is the emotion that arises from poorly managed (or directly unmanaged) anger. As a rule, when we become adults we have already gone through several experiences that we “accumulate” in the backpack of life, and that sometimes leaves aspects to “polish”.

Some of these aspects are painful experiences or people that have hurt us and that we have not yet forgiven. For this reason, resentment is much more likely in adults than in children, since the latter have not experienced so many things and, in addition, they tend to focus more on the current moment than in the past (and reliving the past many times “anchors us”). ”To resentment).

The lack of fear in relationships

Children interact much more spontaneously than adults. They are guided by stimuli, by what attracts them, likes or catches their attention.

And that makes them not afraid to relate. This is, for sure, another of the things that you learn from your children in your day to day: losing the fear of relating to strangers, and the grace of meeting others without expectations of anything.

Little boy giving an apple to another girl

The magic of being yourself

Another thing you learn from your children, almost certainly, is the magic of being yourself. Authenticity is what allows us, in reality, to connect with others in a deep way.

And it is that children are authentic, they do not have so many “filters” when it comes to acting or thinking, because they are not so influenced by what “is expected of them.” They get carried away more easily and that is precisely what makes them so pure. Enjoy that authenticity!

Just as children learn from grown-ups, adults can learn many things from children. Perhaps that openness to the experience bathed in innocence so typical of childhood, is the one that facilitates a more enriching learning of life.


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