Learn To Manage Emotions

Learn to manage emotions

Can you manage your emotions? I am convinced: it can be done.  Not only that, but when we are able to manage them, our possibilities grow immediately, both personally and professionally.

It is important to know how we react to the stimuli that surround us. As much as it is knowing how to calibrate and control the amount of emotional response that interests us. These aspects will help us not to waste our forces and energies in an inappropriate and unnecessary way.

An example, what is the use of being angry with great intensity with a stranger? It is more than likely that you will never see him again. In this way, all I am doing is wasting valuable energy in an unproductive way. Energy that could be channeled into far more satisfying activities. Because, to top it all, this feeling of disgust will last much longer than is reasonable.

Know to manage emotions

I fear that a good number of people think that emotions are not controllable or manageable, that it is something that arises and floods us. We feel fear or love and we do not know how, why and, even worse, we do not consider the possibility of understanding and managing those feelings.


We do not delve into this topic, and the result is that we do not take enough time to know and understand the different emotions and how they affect us.

For this reason on so many occasions we confuse feelings.  It is easy to think that someone is angry when they are really worried.  It is not a trivial fact, on the contrary, a bad perception of emotions produces a confusion that can lead to serious consequences in our interpersonal relationships.

But, in order to distinguish feelings, we first need to know and identify them in ourselves.  It is the first essential step to later be able to do the same in others and take the next step, which is to learn to effectively manage our own emotions.

The phases to identify and manage emotions


It is necessary to put names to those emotions that we feel at a given moment. It is essential to stop to find out, at the exact moment, what we feel, answering the question What do I feel exactly? Anger, anger, disgust …? And it must be done from sincerity.

Because the first phase to be able to manage the emotion would be to identify it.  It is easy to recognize emotions, we see them in others. What makes them complex is the fact that several are often produced at the same time. We could say, “I feel unhappy,” but what do you really mean? Are you: sad, angry, ashamed, jealous, do you feel guilty …? Which one responds to your feeling?

Then comes the second inevitable and essential step. Only when you identify those emotions will you be able to deepen, analyze and make decisions about them. Separating and identifying emotions allows me to know what I feel, learn to know myself better and, based on this, face my challenges more effectively. In short, to manage emotions efficiently.

If we were taught from childhood to identify and manage emotions, life would be easier. If we weren’t lucky enough to be taught it as children, now is the time to start.

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