The Onion Heart, A Story About Justice

This is a story about justice, which tells us why it is important to learn to observe nature and let ourselves be guided by its cycles, instead of intervening in them, causing great imbalances.
The heart of onion, a story about justice

This is a story about justice that begins many, many years ago, when nothing had a name and things were still being created. The gods met and agreed to create a garden that would be noble and pleasing to all human beings, who had also recently been created.

At that time, the gods had a special affection for the greatest of his works and that is why they wanted to give him that special gift. They thought they could create a flavor that would make the foods humans taste more delicious. In this way, they looked for a vegetable that could be well integrated in most of their recipes. This is how they came up with designing the onion.

At first, the gods only noticed its taste. So they made a compact fruit, very different from the one we know today. It was smooth, mushy, with a delicious taste. It went very well with almost all foods. Humans were delighted when they began to see it in their gardens, because at first they were born spontaneously.

The reign of the onion

This story about justice tells us that onions soon became the queens of the orchards. They came in various colors and everyone considered them true jewels of nature. Humans were delighted with them; no matter how many they ate, their presence on the plate always gave it a special touch.

The fame of onions grew so much that in a short time  production reached levels that we cannot imagine today. In this way, the planting of onions began without control. What we know of this story of justice tells us that there were so many orchards planted with onions that humans forgot about the other plants. Thus, many other vegetables and fruits began to disappear.

At one point, the amount of onions was such that the men began to pull out the roots that they had planted earlier with so much enthusiasm . In this way, what we could call the “massacre of the onions” took place.

Onions planted

Onions run out

This story tells about justice that, faced with the attitude of humans, the gods decided to intervene. They sent a great plague and it wiped out all the onions that were on the earth. Humans returned to growing other plants, but many of them remembered the delicious taste of that vegetable that had generated so much commotion.

Many of the foods did not taste like they used to. The gods realized that this was how human beings were: capricious and unstable. They did not know what to do with the great gifts from heaven. If they were few, they wanted more. And if there were many, they despised them. The gods did not understand why.

The humans, in any case, were repentant. They begged the gods to send back that delicious vegetable that they had liked so much. In Olympus they had kept a few specimens of onion as a memento of that episode. Seeing that the humans were so sad, they decided to give them another chance.

A story about justice

The gods were going to send again several specimens of onions to populate the earth. However, they, who had acquired feelings in heaven, were terrified. They were afraid that again the wayward humans would obsess over them, to exterminate them. So it occurred to the god of wisdom that this might be a good opportunity to teach humans a lesson. They had to learn to value what heaven sent them, and to manage it wisely.

So the next day, humans found small bulbs in their gardens. They looked like onion, but they were too small. So much so that they did not dare to pick them up, since they thought they would grow more. A few weeks passed and then one day the little bulbs woke up covered in a new layer, a layer that made them appear older. Humans began to think that these little balls could be a new species of onion.

Woman crying while peeling onions

This story tells about justice that the onions continued to fill in layers until they recovered the constitution that men knew. The humans were very happy. However, when they went to cut them to add them to their food, they noticed that inside they were not like before; They did not look compact and were also multi-layered.

When dividing them with the knife, an irritating liquid came out. It was important to remember the massacre that had taken place. That is the reason why everyone who cuts an onion must cry. Humans had to remember forever that everything that exists in nature has a value so that life as we know it can occur.

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