7 Conversation Topics That Will Help You In Any Situation

7 conversation topics that will help you in any situation

Conversation is the main way to meet others and make yourself known. Many say that it is an art and faith that they are right because not everyone has interesting topics of conversation. Especially in these times when face-to-face encounters are rare and words tend to be extremely synthetic.

A good conversation should be about topics that arouse the interest of both parties. There is nothing more boring than “talking” with someone who wants to teach something or is interested only in convincing the other of their own points of view. For it to really be a conversation, both of you must have the opportunity to listen and speak.

There are  conversation topics that are infallible to start a good conversation. They revolve around issues that matter to most people. They also lend themselves so that almost anyone can intervene. They are small devices that facilitate interaction and create an atmosphere conducive to two or more people entering into trust. These are 7 of those talking points.

1. A conversation that never fails: childhood issues

A conversation around childhood topics is not only entertaining, it also allows you to delve deep into someone else’s life. Childhood is a stage that leaves great marks in people’s lives. However difficult or harsh it may have been, it always involves fantastic and heartwarming episodes that we all love to evoke.

Children eating cotton wool clouds as an example of conversation starters

Ideally, the conversation should focus on childhood anecdotes. Surely we all have something to tell about the first years of school, our first friends, the games that amused us, the characters we admired, the reprimands they gave us or those from which we escaped … Anyway, there is a lot of fabric to cut.

2. Travel anecdotes

As much as someone is the type who rarely leaves their home, they hardly have a trip to remember. Travel is always an excursion into the unknown and that is why it brings back many discoveries, surprises and knowledge. Talking about travel is always fun.

This topic has an additional plus: it is generally very useful for everyone involved in the conversation. It is not just about sharing experiences, but all the information can eventually be used in a future journey. It also allows you to get to know people a lot. It gives you clues about their attitude towards novelty and change.

3. Movies and books

Movies are another of those topics of conversation that no one is alien to. You don’t need to be a movie buff to talk about movies. We have all ever seen a tape that stirred our guts, made us cry with laughter, or revealed some truth that lit the way. The cinema is a meeting point and also the starting point for many friends.

movie la la land

Also, of course, it is possible to talk about television. There are series of all time that gathered around them millions of followers. There are also soap operas, channels or special productions that have been seen by many. Any good production elicits comments for or against and leads to interesting conversations.

4. Music

Who does not like music? It is an art that has existed almost since man himself has existed. It is present in all cultures and at all times. Obviously it is a universal language, in which there is no social level, no race, no religion, and no ideology. Two people can think very differently in a lot of ways, but at the same time be musically related.

If what you want is to have a pleasant conversation, there is no room for the very savvy chairs around musical genres, performers or technicalities. Music unites when everyone can freely express their spontaneous tastes. When he can talk about what music awakens in him or tell the stories of his life where music has been the protagonist.

5. Pets and animals

Humans have lived with domestic animals for thousands of years. Some like parrots, others fish, many dogs and cats. They are not only one more inhabitant in each house, but they become part of your life, your family and your affections. Talking about pets will always lead to a happy conversation.

cat in a window

At the same time, we have all heard or read stories about animals. We are intrigued by their behavior and their way of life. We are interested in knowing them better, in order to know humans better, either by contrast or by similarity. Rarely does the subject of animals not lead to good conversation. In addition, it gives us an idea of ​​how each one relates to different and vulnerable beings.

6. Food and drinks

Talking about the foods we like and dislike are often very entertaining topics of conversation. Detail why you like mushrooms made in butter and give good reasons not to eat spinach. To some it may seem like a trivial topic, but in reality it is something that touches the most human and everyday of people.

It is interesting to share the experiences of those exotic foods that everyone could try at some time. Or tell those stories related to food, such as the times when something strange is offered to you and you don’t even know how to start eating it. Or when you tried something delicious and then found out it was a little gross. Without a doubt, about food and drink, everyone has something to say.

7. Sports and hobbies

It can be said that there is not a single person in the world who does not have a hobby. We all have free time. And in those periods we dedicate ourselves to doing something that pleases us the most. Some make it more aware, while others are less clear about it. But the truth is that we all like some “free” activity, be it taking care of plants, or watching television, or looking out the window.

Woman doing sports

It is also usual for everyone to have a favorite sport, whether they practice it or simply be a spectator. Because sport involves competition, some conversations can become controversial, so tact should be exercised in dealing with this topic.

Finally, all the topics of conversation that give rise to a pleasant chat are pre-texts that allow us to meet others and allow them to get to know us. It is always worth listening to others. Everyone brings you a lot with the simple act of taking time to share with you. Always, also, it is worth talking about yours to others. No conversation is banal because, in one way or another, it links you to the world.

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