Sadness At Christmas? The Two Aspects Of These Festivals

Sadness at Christmas?  The two aspects of these parties

Feeling sad at Christmas is increasingly common, and more so with times of crisis that we have to live. To you, who are reading these lines, we want to ask you if you feel  sad at Christmas, or is it the opposite. Do you live those holidays with great joy  or do you think you have lost the Christmas spirit?

Some people celebrate Christmas with enthusiasm, looking forward to the arrival of those special dates. However, there are also people who would “erase” them from the calendar and who hope that they will pass quickly.

Those who prefer not to think about those days are usually people who are going through a bad economic time and cannot afford to splurge on these dates of consumerism. But those who suffer the worst are those who have lost a loved one. Leaning on family or friends is important to get along better, since isolating yourself further aggravates the situation.

On the other hand, dates in which it seems that it is mandatory to be happy, smile and be kind to everyone may not inspire many people, since they feel that their feelings do not correspond, or we are capable of changing their emotional state despite to social pressure.

It is important to remember that we do not have to follow an established pattern of celebration , there is no rule to follow, the more expectations you form for yourself, the more frustrations you will feel and the easier it is for you to feel sad at Christmas.

What matters is the company

Sadness at Christmas, it all depends

Each person lives the Christmas period in their own way, according to their circumstances. But there are some aspects that can influence, and a lot, in the way in which the Christmas holidays are perceived and spent.

Worst of all, there are people who feel forced to adapt to a pre-established script about how the celebrations should be at these parties.

The side of superficiality

If you live Christmas from this perspective, you will care too much about the image.  That is, when you meet with family and friends you will want to stand out, you will want your clothes to be the most beautiful, you will strive to put on better makeup than other days.

If you receive people at home, you will want to give the best image and you will get the best cutlery you have, you will even buy a new one, all as long as others take a glamorous image of you.

But people who want to give a perfect facade do not enjoy what is important , since their interest is focused on giving everything so that they can see the great taste that is breathed in their home. The superficial, as the word indicates, is very temporary, it fades quickly. What fills the soul is neither material nor luxurious.

The side of spirituality


The side of spirituality

If you live Christmas from this side, I congratulate you, it is normal that you want to be more presentable than other days, that you want to dress up more. But you will  not seek to stand out or care too much about giving a good impression, you will simply do it because the joy of meeting with family and friends makes you want to be presentable.

Nor will you mind excessively getting the best cutlery, nor will you want to impress anyone, you will simply seek to enjoy the company. Your focus will be on the people inside and not on material objects or aesthetics. You can dress up with a spectacular dress, put on makeup to cover your true face, serve with silver cutlery…. but that won’t leave a mark on your heart.

The richest people at heart are those who have fond spiritual memories and not those who remember the beauty and material things with which they celebrated the holidays. So, if you feel sad at Christmas, try to hang out with people who fill your soul.

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