Insecurity Is Not Your Enemy

Insecurity is not your enemy

We are so used to seeing insecurity as an enemy from which it is better to escape, that we do not even stop to see if it gives us any advantage.

Have you ever stopped to think that insecurity can be the basis to build your happiness, find love or be successful?

It is time to change some ideas that we have for absolute truths so I will talk to you about insecurity as an inspiration and a call to action. If you think about it, this feeling lets you see the skills you need to improve.


Ability to love yourself

Self-love is one of the most important weapons that you will be able to use throughout your life . Take some time to analyze what your deepest fears are: being rejected? Being alone? Being left without a partner?

If you think about it, you will realize that these fears are born from a lack of love and total acceptance of yourself.

“A competent and confident person is incapable of feeling jealous on any ground. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity. “

(Robert Heinlein)

A classic example is that of people who live with pathological jealousy. His biggest fear is that his partner or person he is jealous of will find someone else and leave him. This translates into an insecurity that grows without limits. If the jealous person does not learn to love himself, the problem will continue even if he changes partners because the problem lies with him and not with those around him.

Sometimes loving ourselves is the only thing we need to prevent insecurity from attacking us and winning . It will allow you to reduce anxieties and you will be able to continue your life without detachments. Your thoughts will be calmer and you will be able to focus on productive things, leaving aside emotional false alarms.

love yourself

Improve your criteria

Building your own criteria is like preparing for an exam that is none other than daily life. It is common to feel insecure when faced with a situation that you are not prepared for . You may feel that you are pushing yourself too hard, that you are going too fast, or that you are not keeping up with what is being asked of you.

When I say that you need to improve your judgment, I mean that you must prepare yourself to make the appropriate decisions at the right time. This is only possible when you prepare correctly. It can be about financial knowledge, tools to improve your emotions, interpersonal skills or in any other area.

If your insecurity comes from this lack of knowledge, focus on improving in the area that concerns you. The result will be less emotional burden and you will be able to focus on what is important in your life.


Fight your pride

“I know that sometimes it is better to stay like that, inside oneself, locked up.  One look is enough to hesitate, it is enough to reach out to realize how fragile, vulnerable, one is, and then everything collapses, like a tower of matches. “

(Delphine De Vigan)

Accepting that we need help in some aspect of our life makes us feel insecure because it forces us to recognize one or more shortcomings. It is common to feel vulnerable when depending on others. The most common thing would be to avoid this situation and continue to give the image of security and that we can do everything.

Doing the opposite of what fear dictates and asking for help will make you stronger. Perhaps you grew up with the idea that you could not show weaknesses because others would pass over you, especially if you are a man. This is really false and only if you dare to ask for help, you will see that there are many people willing to help and do good for you or whoever needs it.

You will be surprised when you see how comforting it is to be able to ask for help. This is obviously a very practicing exercise and in the process you will find people who will disappoint you. You will also find pleasant surprises with people who seem little interested in your well-being, but who are willing to help you.

You see, in the end, insecurity is a tool that, used well, will make you grow if you stop being afraid of it and start taking advantage of it.

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